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Night flight...

Lunars shadow glides over the globe, silent and black as a phantom
panther. The silver bird thunders over the runway and leaps, roaring, at
the glow where conquering night swallows embers of the deposed sun.
Engines scream as the jet spins, full throttle, into the Great Circle,
ripping up charted miles in a desperate dash to escape the terrors of the
night. Darkness, black as Satans lum, rolls over the wild Atlantic,
enshrouding all in a raven cloak. The plane, racing for the retreating light,
forever butts into the relentless headwind.
The old man in 3c ponders dozily over his brief-role in the unending
earthly drama. Sensing the unstoppable shadow speeding over the vast
Americas, casting a sleep-spell over the wilting ground, he shivers at the
chill of the unknown.
Suddenly the man is aware of a dazzling light stirring the hordes of
Asia, infusing all with energy and life. Brilliant brightness illuminates the
earth, searing through the tar-black stain and blasting away the fears of
At peace, the man drifts, smiling, into slumber...

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