Progress Monitoring

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Jennifer Sommers

Learning Assessment
October 2014
Assessment and Instructional Design
A. Behavior Evaluation
Hawkeye is diagnosed with a Specific Learning Disability. He is in the general education
classroom all day, except pull out during reading and math intervention. He has many behavior issues
that arise within the general education classroom. His behavior issues consist of making frequent
disruptions, he has issues staying in his own space, and he struggles to get work completed. His general
education teacher is Mrs Campanaro, and his math and reading intervention teacher is Mrs Lauer.
Hawkeye is also in different environments and with a variety of teachers when he is involved in
specials. He tends to show inappropriate behaviors when he is involved in the general education
environment and when he is participating in specials.
Hawkeye tends to get frustrated while in the learning environment which quickly develops into
melt downs. While the educators and teaching lessons, he tends to be either playing in his desk, kicking
the wall or playing on his neighbors desk. When items are taken out of his desk to limit distractions,
Hawkeye yells at the teacher then begins to cry on his desk. He also argues with students within his
table group if they try to get him to complete part of their group work. Hawkeye rarely says sorry for
his undesired behaviors. His behaviors have developed into bigger outbursts as the school year moves
Hawkeye involves himself in many situations where he is either being distracted from the
lesson, or he is disrupting other students from focusing on the material being taught. He tends to pull
apart erasers during class. His classmates are always watching him take a part the erasers instead of
following instructions from the teacher. He also tends to have outbursts where he will throw pencils
across the classroom to get attention from other students.

He struggles with staying within his own space in the classroom. He often pushes himself or his
things on other students desks while in the classroom. When he gets upset he likes to throw himself
across his desk and onto another students desks so he can push their books off the edge. This behavior
has caused a lot of issues within the classroom environment.
Hawkeye truly struggles with completing his work. He will hide his work and say that he
completed it. He also tends to put any answer down just to have an answer on his paper. Due to this
occurrence, he falls behind academically because of the undesired behaviors. When a teacher tries to
help him with his work, he starts to yell at the educator and tells her to leave. With all of these behavior
issues in mind, I strongly believe that Hawkeye needs a behavior intervention plan because it is
negatively affecting his learning process.
In my assessment plan, I plan on focusing on Hawkeye's disruptions, staying in own space and
completing his assignments. I see him in the general education classroom and also during reading and
math intervention, however I am not there the entire day to monitor his progress. Therefore, I am
getting every teacher that sees Hawkeye to complete an evaluation report on how he is done with the
behaviors discussed. I feel that this would be beneficial for all settings and his learning process. By
implementating this behavior plan I believe that he will be able to interact properly with people and
understand how to behave correctly within different environments.
I started out the intervention by building a behavior chart that gets passed between teachers
every day. Before I started implementing the chart, I decided to collect the baseline between a four day
span. I recorded how many times Hawkeye behaved inappropriately within the general education
classroom. His Social Studies teacher stated that he had some trouble staying focused, and disrupted
students four times within the lesson. During Science his teacher stated that he had to be redirected
three times due to his classroom disruptions. She also had to redirect him twice to have him complete
his work. Also, during reading intervention he was consistently playing with a water bottle on his desk.
Hawkeye had to be talked to several times when the baseline was implemented.

Student's Name


Out of own space

Not completing work







I have highlighted Hawkeye's data because he is the main focus of the behavior assessment. I
included the number of times his classmates misbehaved to show that his behavior is more pronounced
then others within his class. This will give us a better understanding of how severe his inappropriate
behaviors are and how it negatively affects the classroom environment.
B. Assessment Design
After reviewing the baseline data, I decided a behavior plan was needed to be put into place to
positively impact the student. I decided to make a behavior chart that would go between educators to
keep track of his improvements. Every afternoon I would look through the chart to see how he did for
the day. This behavior plan is a token economy system that allows the student to earn stickers for how
many points his educators have given him for this behavior for each class. If Hawkeye earned twelve
points in a week for positive behavior he was allowed to pick out a prize from the class store.
Hawkeye definitely loves receiving stickers for how many points he receives. This really
encourages him to do the best he can within the different environments. He also really loves that fact
that if he can earn twelve points in a week he is allowed to go shop in the class store. He gets so excited
and motivated when he is given the chance to explore the different shelves of the store to find a desired
item. As Hawkeye improves each week, the number of points he needs to earn rises to encourage less
outbursts and disruptions.

C. Data collection
I collected the baseline for a class over a four day span. Then I used that data I collected to build
a behavior plan for Hawkeye. I implemented this plan between the dates of August 25th to September
19th. The data collection began every morning with a different special and concluded at the end of the
day. Each educator would mark how many times he had to be redirected by including tally marks next
to which behavior he was struggling with. Then at the end of the class the educator has to decide how
many points he earned for that particular day. Attached are reports of the behavior chart and responses
provided by the educators.
D. Data Analysis
The data shows that the behavior plan is having a positive effect on Hawkeye. At first the scores
were outstanding because I believe that he was very motivated to receive the prizes. However, over
time he developed more slip ups on his behavior. Overall his scores have improved dramatically
because of the positive reinforcement that he has been receiving. Teacher's have indicated that his
behavior outbursts are becoming more sporadic and less intense. When Hawkeye is beginning to act
out, the educator just mentions the behavior plan. After the educator reminds him of the behavior plan
he either gets very quiet or he starts crying because he doesn't want to loss the chance of earning points.
He always calms down quickly after the teacher mentions the behavior chart and he tends to act in the
desired manner. This is exactly what I was hoping for when it comes to his behavior. I feel that it means
that he is starting to realize the issues on his own before someone has to redirect the behavior.
E. Data- Based Decision Making
Based on Observation and data taken throughout the intervention, the student has shown a lot of
growth and progress with his undesired behaviors. Even though we are reaching the end of the behavior
intervention, I believe that Hawkeye should still have the plan to aid him through the rest of the year. I
hope that with time he will be able to realize the undesired behavior on his own and know how to react
to the situation in a positive manner. Over time the educators are going to slowly fade the

reinforcement. Therefore instead of getting the opportunity to pick a prize at the end of each week, he
will get to pick one at the end of two weeks. Also, I believe that the points he needs to earn should
become a higher amount after every few weeks. That would encourage Hawkeye to keep trying to
better himself.
F. Evidence-Based Decision Making
Hawkeye has a lot going on at home, therefore I believe the motive behind his undesired
behaviors are attention seeking. He receives attention after he acts out at home. Even though the
attention he receives after he acts out is negative reinforcement, it is still attention that attention that is
Hawkeye is searching for. The negative punishment is just as reinforcing to him then the positive
reinforcement he is getting at school. We can not do much to chance the behavior at home, unless the
family is willing to use positive reinforcement like the type that has been implemented in the school

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