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Storyboard for Digital Storytelling

1. What is you topic? September 11, 2001

2. Who is the audience for your story? Students
#1: Picture
Media List
This frame will include a picture from 9/11
showing the horrific events that happened.
Our listeners will hear lyrics from the song
Have You Forgotten.
We want people to feel remorse and feel the
weight of the tragedy that happened.

A picture from during the horrific events on

Lyrics from Have You Forgotten such as
have your forgotten how it felt that day to see
your homeland under fire

The only possible narration for this frame will be to introduce the topic.

#2: Picture

Media List

This frame will include another picture of the

after math of what happened. This picture will
show the devastation that occurred on that day
making people feel remorse for the victims.
The song Have You Forgotten will continue
to play in the background.

Picture of the devastation that occurred

with the victims of the event in the picture
Lyrics from Have You Forgotten

In this frame, we will talk about what exactly happened on this day. There will be music played
softly in the background.
#3: Picture

Media List

This picture will be of the American flag still

flying in the middle of all the ruble.
This picture should make people feel the sense
of pride and hope.
The song Have You Forgotten will continue
to play in the background.

A picture of the American flag in the ruble

Lyrics from the song Have You

There will not be any narration for this frame. There will be music played softly in the
#4: Interview

Media List

This will be a video recording of part of an

interview with someone that vividly remembers
what happened on 9/11.
This frame is to give a sense of connection to
that day and should make the audience feel more
personally connected to what happened.

A video clip from an interview

There will be no narration in this frame. The only sound will be the audio from the interview.
#5: Picture

Media List

This frame will be another picture from the

tragic day.
This frame should make our audience feel more
remorse about what happened on that day.
The song Have You Forgotten will continue
to play in the background.

A picture from 9/11

Lyrics from the song Have You

The song Have You Forgotten will play softly in the background.
#6: Interview

Media List

This frame will have another snippet of an

interview with someone that remembers what
happened on that day.
This frame should continue to make our
audience connect to what happened on that

A video clip from an interview.

There will be no narration in this frame. The only sound will be the audio from the interview.
#7: Picture

Media List

This frame will be of a picture of what the site

of 9/11 looks like now.
This picture should make people feel hope for
what tragically happened on that day.
The song Have You Forgotten will continue
to play in the background.

A picture from the site of the attack in

present day
Lyrics from the song Have You

The song Have You Forgotten will play softly in the background.
#8: Interview
This frame will be another picture of what the
site of 9/11 looks like now.
This picture should make people feel hope for
what tragically happened on that day.
The song Have You Forgotten will continue
to play in the background.

Media List

A picture from the site of the attack in

present day
Lyrics from the song Have You

The song Have You Forgotten will play softly in the background.
#9: Picture

Media List

This frame will be another picture of what the

site of 9/11 looks like now.
This picture should make people feel hope for
what tragically happened on that day.
The song Have You Forgotten will continue
to play in the background.

A picture from the site of the attack in

present day
Lyrics from the song Have You

The song Have You Forgotten will play softly in the background.
#10: Interview

Media List

This frame will have another snippet of an

interview with someone that remembers what
happened on that day.
This frame should continue to make our
audience connect to what happened on that

A video clip from the interview

There will be no narration in this frame. The only sound will be the audio from the interview.
#11: Pictures
This frame will be our closing frame made up of
a collage of pictures from the day of the event
and current pictures.
This frame should make our audience feel hope
for our future.

Media List

Pictures from the site of the attack

then and in present day
Lyrics from the song Have You

The song Have You Forgotten will play softly in the background.
#12: References

Media List

This frame will contain all references and

sources we used for completing this project.

There will not be any narration on this frame.

no sound or pictures on this frame

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