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Players Name: _____________________________________ Players Birthday: ____/ ____/ ____!

Graduation Year: ________ High School: _______________ Player Email (if applicable): ________________________!

City of Residence: ________________________ Parent/ Guardian Name(s): __________________________________ !

Parent/ Guardian Cell (1): _________________________ Parent/ Guardian Cell (2): _________________________!

Parent/ Guardian Email (1): _________________________ Parents/ Guardian Email (2): _________________________!

Would you like to be notified about future opportunities with Complete Game Baseball Club? Yes ______ No______!

As the parent or legal guardian of the player/ child named above, I hereby give my consent and approval for my child to
participate in activities conducted by Complete Game, LLC. I understand that participation in athletic activities carries an
inherent risk of injury, even when the great care is exercised. I am aware and understand that participating in any/ all
activities at Complete Game, LLC camps, team practices, programs, clinics, or lessons presents to my child the risk of
harm, including, not not limited to, serious personal injury or death. I hereby release and agree to indemnify and hold
harmless Complete Game, LLC and all sponsors, personal trainers, assistants, coaches, and any other person or facility
affiliated with the program, team practice, camp, clinic, and/ or lessons from any and all liability for injuries, damages,
medical expenses, or any other loss to my child, family, or me (including attorneys fees) arising from or related to the
above named participant. Also, I remain legally responsible for any personal action taken by the participant named above.
I understand that I will be fully responsible for any and all damages caused to Complete Game, LLC. I/ my child/ ward
further state that Complete Game, LLC is is authorized to use my/ my child/ wards name and any photographs or
videotape take of me/ my child/ ward during Complete Game, LLC sponsored event for its promotional purposes without
the need to compensate me for such use. As a parent/ guardian, I acknowledge that I am a role model and accept
responsibilities that come with being a parent/ guardian of a student athlete. I will remember that this lesson, team
practice, program, camp, and/ or clinic is an opportunity to build an learn important life experiences for the athletes.
Therefore, I will show respect for all players, instructors, spectators, and other parents/ guardians. I state that I have read
this liability waiver, and that I have been given sufficient time to review it, and that all questions I have concerning my
childs participation have been answered to my satisfaction.!


Parent/ Guardian Signature: _________________________________________ Date: __________________________!

Printed Parent/ Guardian Name: ___________________________________________________

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