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As part of my commitment to have my son play for Complete Game Baseball this season, I commit myself to the
following expectations and responsibilities:

I understand and endorse the purpose of our organization: to help all players at all levels reach their
potential on and off the field.
II. I will prioritize the long-term development of my son as a player and person above on-the-field results.
III. I commit to know and trust the Complete Game Baseball program. Complete Game Baseball takes the
big picture perspective and focuses on the fundamentals of the game as taught at the professional level.
I will not only encourage my son to learn the program taught by Complete Game coaches, but I will trust
that the program is designed for my sons best interest on and off the field.
IV. I commit to affirming my son and his teammates when good character, healthy sportsmanship, and
other-centered behavior are displayed. I will not affirm only his athletic performance or victory.
V. I will serve as a role model for our players, talking politely and acting courteously toward coaches,
umpires, other parents, visiting team parents, and spectators at practices, games, and meetings.
VI. I will not argue with umpires. I acknowledge that umpires will always make bad calls and I will not argue
or show negative emotion towards an umpire.
VII. I will model good sportsmanship. I commit to acknowledging and applauding the efforts of team
members and opponents. I will model what it looks like to win and lose with class and I will support the
team regardless of what the win-loss record is.
VIII.When problems or questions arise, I will encourage my son to present the problem to his coach. Players
need to develop self-advocacy. After meeting with his coach, if the issue requires more clarity, I will
contact Matt, Shawn, or Todd.
IX. I have read the Matheny Manifesto and understand that its principles and expectations are the same for
Complete Game Baseball Club.
X. I commit to paying the full player fee of $1600 for my son to join Complete Game Baseball Club.
XI. I understand and accept that Complete Game takes its commitment to its players seriously, and asks
the same from its players and families. Once I have committed and paid whole or partial payment for
my son to be a member of Complete Game Baseball Club, I understand and agree that there will be no
refunding of player fees.
XII. Complete Game reserves the right to consider the refunding of player fees, on a case by case analysis.
XIII.I understand that Complete Game Baseball Club reserves the right to suspend and/ or remove my son
from his team if he violates the expectations of the Players Contract or I violate the expectations of this
Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________ Date: ________________
Parent/Guardian Signature (2): __________________________________ Date: ________________
(if applicable)
Complete Game Baseball Club Representative __________________________ Date: _____________

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