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1- I learned that UNMID has been circulating some information to discredit the accounts of

the victims of Tabit Mass Rape. It is another act of a cover-up of serious crimes by the

2- Currently, the regime is working hard to alter the scene of the crime in Tabit, by
intimidating the victims and their families to changes their accounts of the mass rape that
occurred on Friday, October 31 and Saturday, November 1, 2014 in Tabit village, North
Darfur, and resulted in the rape of more than 200 girls and women.

3- It is likely that the regime will eventually allow UNAMD into Tabit, but after the crime
scene is totally altered and victims forced to change their real accounts and stories.

4- It is a shame that UMAMID is still helping the regime to get away with its heinous
crimes against the innocent people of Darfur.
5- It is evident that UNAMID is striving to justify its failure. Therefore, UNAMID is not
working toward establishing the real facts or accurate reporting or to save the people of
Darfur. That is why UNAMIDs spinning and PR machine is working hard behind the
scene to water down and cover up Tabit's atrocity of mass rape.

Ahmed H. Adam
Cell: +1347-567-1491

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