Problems For N-S & Euler Equations Question # 1: U Cy (2h - Y) & V W 0 Q Per Unit Width

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Fall 2012/2013.
Semester 1
Code ME 253 Title: Fluid MechanicsII


Date :

14 Oct. 2012

Home work # 3 Navier Stokes & Euler Equations

Problems for N-S & Euler Equations

Question # 1
A liquid flows down an inclined plane surface in a steady, fully developed
laminar film of thickness h. Simplify the continuity and Navier-Stokes
equations to model this flow field. Obtain the velocity profile, the shear
stress distribution, the volume flow rate and average velocity. Calculate the
volume flow rate in a film of water h=1 mm thick, flowing on a surface b=1
m wide, inclined at =15o to the horizontal (see Figure of Q #5)

Question # 2
Given u = Umax ( 1- (y/h)2 ) & Umax = -(dp/dx) h2/2 at y=0 for flow between
:fixed parallel plates Find

1-Wall shear stress 2-Stream function

5- average velocity


4-velocity potential

Question # 3
:Avelocity field is proposed to be
u=10y/(x2+y2) & v = - 10x/(x2+y2) & w=0
is this a possible incompressible flow ? .If so Find the pressure gradient
P, assuming a frictionless air flow with the z-axis vertical.(air =1.23 kg/m3)

Question # 4
A constant-thickness film of viscous liquid flows in laminar
motion down a plate inclined at angle . The velocity profile is
u = Cy(2h - y) & v = w= 0
Find the constant C in terms of the specific weight and viscosity
and the angle. Find the volume flux Q per unit width
in terms of these parameters.

Dr. Alaa Shibl

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