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Act I (Exposition):

Date Completed:



Important quote

New vocabulary (2-3 words)

Act II (Rising Action):

Date Completed:



Important quote (be sure to include Act,

New vocabulary (2-3 words) Copy a

Scene and Line numbers)

word and its definition.

How are the conflicts becoming more complicated? What NEW problems have
been added?

This play conveys several themes. Explain a bit about each item below. Be VERY specific, making
direct reference to characters and situations.
Appearance versus deception

Language and words (can be slippery, misunderstood, are fluid and easily manipulated)

Love at first sight versus true, enduring love/love is fickle

Class issues: how are certain characters treated based upon their social standing?

When this is complete, turn it in!

Act III (Climax):

Date Completed:



Important quote

New vocabulary (2-3 words)--including

the definitions, please!

What conflict(s) are resolved? What ones remain?

Act IV (Falling Action):

Date Completed:



Important quote

New vocabulary (2-3 words) -including the definitions, please!

What conflict(s) are resolved? What ones remain? What is the catharsis? (Look
it up if you don't know what I mean...)

Act V (Denouement):

Date Completed:



Important quote

New vocabulary (2-3 words) -including the definitions, please!

What last conflict(s) are resolved? Is it satisfactory? Why/not?

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