Research Assignment Soviet Republics

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Year 11 Modern History

USSR The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (CCCP)

Part A: Information and research activity
Once you have chosen your former Soviet State, conduct your own research into the country and be
prepared to report your findings to the class. Each presentation should only take a couple of minutes
but try to give the class some general historical background within the context of our study of the
fall of the USSR.
1. Colour your Former Soviet state on the map 2. List which nations border your former
Soviet State:

What is the current population?

Who are its people? (i.e What is the nation's ethnic make up?)

What are the main industries? Have they changed since the Soviet era?

Try to discover:
When was independence declared?
Who was the new leader?
Consequences: (short answer required)
Where does its political allegiance lie today? How has it fared economically, politically &
socially/culturally after the USSR was dissolved?

Please be prepared to share your findings from Part A in the NEXT LESSON and hand up this

Part B
In your own words...
Summarise how Communism fell in TWO of the following nations:
You must write at least 3 paragraphs for each of your two countries, summarising the key events
and chronology and present to the class. As you are working in pairs I suggest you choose one
country each and share your work. Please attach your work to this worksheet. DONT FORGET
I've seen your work and I know how bright you are so.....
Be discerning. Be impressive. Be interesting.
Dont be ignorant...Dont be boring

These websites may be of use:
Info on how those former states have fared economically politically and socially. info on the states of the USSR Whats it like now

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