Digital Materials Plan: Category Question Response

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Digital Materials Plan




Who is authoring this project?
What is the name of your
What is your audience?
What tool have you chosen?
Reason for this tool?
What theory are the materials
based on?
How is this theory relevant to
your goals (below) and your
What is the overall instructional
objective for these materials?
What is your goal for this
What steps will you take to
accomplish your goals using the
tool you selected?
What is your deliverable?

Jose Vazquez
Spanish Smash
K-4th Grade Spanish students
I am able to create an inexpensive resource that will be tailored towards all my students. Students
will be able to easily access it from several devices. All learning materials will be stored in this
tool. After minimal guiding students should be able to navigate through the application.
My application will be based on Boechlers premise of structure in hypertext materials.
The theory stated above will have a strong impact on my goals by allowing ease of access, simple
levels of navigability, and creating meaningful connections between all resources so that all are
used with purpose.
Students will be introduced to new vocabulary, review previous vocabulary, and they will be able
to demonstrate knowledge of language in challenges and real-world situations presented.
My goal for this project is to present all learning tools in a more informal, personal, and more
interactive setting. I want to incorporate different social media sites that will keep engagement
high. Through the creation of a fun atmosphere, this application will allow students to interact with
Spanish in new ways.
1. I change the perception of social media to include learning opportunities.
2. Decide which social media sites can be the most effective in language learning.
3. Create videos/tools to demonstrate to students the proper use of resources.
4. Explore different tools available on the AppMakr
5. I will seek input from students and have
I will always be adding and updating this application. I hope to have created the application, a
PDF/Word document manual, and a website for communication and a FAQ section.

Jonassen, D.H. (2006). Modeling with Technology: Mindtools for Conceptual Change. Columbus, OH: Merrill/Prentice-Hall.

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