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Design for Learning

Instructor: Taylor Nix

Grade: Preschool
Lesson Title: Counting Teeth with the Dentist, Our Friend Date: November 6, 2014
Curriculum Area: Mathematics
Estimated Time: 20 min

Standards Connection: ALSDE Math Preschool 1.1) Demonstrate use of one-to-one

correspondence in counting objects and matching numeral name with sets of objects
Identify different size groups of objects up to 5 [M.P.1.1.1]

Learning Objective(s): When given the appropriate materials, students will count up to 5
marshmallows in order to make their apple slice smiles.

Learning Objective(s) stated in kid friendly language: Boys and girls, today you are going
to get a chance to build your very own smiles, with marshmallows, peanut butter, and apple

Evaluation of Learning Objective(s): I will give students two apple slices and a spoon with
peanut butter on it. Students will then count out five marshmallows, which I will count as their
one-to-one correspondence assessment. Students must correctly count out five marshmallows in
order to be considered proficient.

Engagement: After being dismissed from circle time, students will check their schedules and
make their way over to the table for table time. They will check in at the table and I will gather
their attention. Okay, boys and girls! Do you remember what we have been talking about all this
week? Look over at our topic wall and lets see if we can remember. I will give students time to
look at topic wall and respond. Thats right! We have been talking about community helpers all
week. We have talked about policemen, firefighters, and doctors. Today, we are going to be
talking about the dentist. We go to see the dentist so that he will clean our teeth and so our smiles
will be nice and pretty! But, after we go see the dentist, how do we keep our teeth clean at home?
Do we rub dirt all over them? No, of course not! That would be very yucky. What do we do to
keep our teeth clean after we visit the dentist? I will give students time to respond. Yes! We brush
our teeth! What do we use to brush our teeth? Students will answer with, a toothbrush.
Toothbrushes! Youre right! I will bring out three toothbrushes for them to look at. Lets count
how many toothbrushes are on the table. Students will count with me. One, two, three! Three
toothbrushes! Toothbrushes are a tool that we use to help keep our smiles as beautiful as they
can be! Today, you are going to get a chance to build your very own smiles, with marshmallows,
peanut butter, and apple slices!

Learning Design:
I. Teaching: Boys and girls, what was the name of our helper we are talking about today?
Students will respond with, dentist. Youre right! The dentist! Have any of you ever been to

the dentist? I will allow students time to respond. I have been to the dentist. I always open up
my mouth really big so that he can see all of my teeth. Can everyone open their mouth like
they would at the dentist? Let me see you do it! I will open my mouth big in order to model
how to do it for students. They will open their mouths. Before we learn more about the
dentist, we are going to read a book called My Dentist, My Friend. I will bring out the book.
What do you notice about the children on the cover of the book? Are they frowning? Do they
look sad? Students will respond with no. Youre right! They look very happy dont they?
Theyre smiling very big because they just got their teeth cleaned by the dentist! They even
got tooth brushes after they were done! The dentist is a helper and he is our friend! He wants
us to have very clean teeth so that our smiles can look our best! I will then read the book to
the students. I will pause spastically to ask questions. That was a great book about the
dentist, wasnt it boys and girls? The dentist is a great community helper!
II. Opportunity for Practice: I will pass out paper plates for students to use to build their
activity on, then I will begin. I need everyone to hold up their counting finger and help me
count out five apple slices! I will hold up my pointer finger to model for the students what I
want them to do. Lets count together! One, two, three, four, five! Students will then join me
in counting out five apple slices for me to model making the teeth with. I will point to each
apple slice in order to emphasize one-to-one correspondence. I will pass out one apple slice
to each student and keep one for a model. Now that everyone has an apple slice, we need
something that is sticky so our marshmallow teeth will stick! Hmm, what could we use?
Should we use water? No, water isnt sticky! I have an idea! Lets use peanut butter to make
our marshmallow teeth stick! Yum! I will scoop out a little bit of peanut butter to smear on
my apple slices to model. The peanut butter is going to need to be all over our apple slice, so
we need to smear it all around. I will smear peanut butter on my apple slice. Now its your
turn! Spread your peanut butter across your apple slice.I will then pass out spoons with
peanut butter on them to each student. Students will (with help) smear their peanut butter on
their apple slices. Great! Now we need some teeth! I need five marshmallows. Help me count
them out!
III.Assessment: Students will count with me. One, two, three, four, five! Yall need some teeth
too! I am going to hold a handful of marshmallows and I want you to pick out five for your
apple slice smile! I will begin with the first student. He/she will count five marshmallows
from the pile. I will do this with every student. Once everyone has five marshmallows, I will
continue. Now that you all have your marshmallow teeth, we need to stick them on our apple
slices! You stick yours on with me! Students will then join me as I place the five
marshmallows on my apple slice to make my apple slice smile. Good job! Your apple slice
smiles look great!
IV. Closure: Dentists make sure that our smiles look as yummy as your apple slice smiles! If you
would like to try your smile, you can go ahead and try it! They sure are yummy! I will then
let students eat their smile (if they want to). Once every student has tried their smile, they
will be dismissed to centers.

Materials and Resources:

Mini Marshmallows

Peanut Butter
Apple Slices
Paper Plates
My Dentist, My Friend by P.K. Hallinan
3 toothbrushes

Differentiation: For my students that struggle with one-to-one correspondence, I will count
along with them when counting out the marshmallows (assessment). I will pick up
marshmallows and put them on their plate as they count with me. For my students that do well
with counting and one-to-one correspondence, I will allow them to pick the marshmallows up
and count by themselves. I will aid if necessary.

Data Analysis:

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