Module 201

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Autumn Rivers
Education 204
Module 201

Due to the increase of devices that have
internet capabilities, the aelectronic bility for
students to cheat in the academic
Students now able to look up answers to

Preventing Cheating in the Classroom

-Walk throughout the classroom when students
are working on assignments.
-Make sure the teacher has visual access to
every computer in the classroom.
-Teachers can give pop quizzes in multiple
different formats to make cheating more
difficult to achieve.

The Internet opened the door
to all different types of
resources that anyone can have
access to.
For the teacher, the Internet is
a bitter-sweet tool.

Teachers view the Internet as a

positive tool because it allows
students to have multiple
resources to continue learning
However, the Internet can also
be viewed as a negative tool, in
that students can copy and
paste subject material from the
Internet to their assignments.

A current academic struggle is verifying that
students who take online courses are, in fact,
who they say they are.
Teachers and academic institutions desire
stronger methods of authentication for online

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