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8th Grade Algebra

September October
News Letter

Welcome to 8th Grade Algebra

I am happy to
say that the
school year is
off to a terrific
start! I just
wanted to reach
out to all the
guardians and
give you some insight as to
what we will be learning during the school year! During
our first nine weeks of school,
we will focus on graphing,
order of operations, scientific
notation, solving absolute

value equations, and

have an introduction to
solving linear equations
which we will focus
more on during our
next nine week grading
period. My grading
scale is set up as follows:
Tests: 45%
Quizzes: 15%
Homework: 15%
Classwork: 20%
Participation: 5%

Parents Corner
Over the course of the school year I would like to meet with each parent
at least one time to discuss your child in my class. It is very important
to have these meetings so that I know information about your child that
you think is very important to their academic success. Through out the
course of the year, if I feel that I need another one-on-one with you
about your child I will email you or call home and I will work around
your schedule as best as I possibly can to best suite both you and your
childs needs! If you have any questions for me at all, please never feel
hesitant to call or send me an email! I am here for both you and your
Mrs. Autumn Rivers

Sep. 30th Report Cards Sent out
Oct. 5th Parent/Teacher Conference
Oct. 21st No School
Oct. 28 Grading Period Ends.

October 2nd Sara
October 9th Haley
October 14th Dominic
October 15th Grace
October 19th Drew

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