Esl 2 Field Experience 1

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Kaoutar Salhi

ESL 2 - Field-Based Key Assessment:

Multicultural Curriculum

Section 1:

Three Curriculum Assessments

Curriculum manual for Science:
Evaluation of a hepatitis B educational ESL curriculum for Chinese immigrants .

According to recent census data, 1,216,600 Canadians are of Chinese descent, and
over 80% of Chinese Canadians are foreign born. Approximately 10% of Chinese
immigrants are chronic carriers of hepatitis B, compared with less than 0.5% of the
general population. English as a second language (ESL) classes provide ready access
for individuals with limited English proficiency who are not reached by English
language health education materials and media campaigns. We conducted a grouprandomized trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a hepatitis B ESL educational
curriculum for Chinese immigrants.
Five community-based organizations that provide ESL education in the greater
Vancouver area participated in the study. Forty-one ESL classes (which included
325 Chinese students) were randomly assigned to experimental or control status. A
follow-up survey, conducted six months after randomization, assessed knowledge
about hepatitis B. Generalized estimating equations were used to analyze the data.
Follow-up surveys were completed by 298 (92%) of the students. At follow-up,
experimental group students were significantly (p < 0.05) more likely than control
group students to know that immigrants have higher hepatitis B infection rates than
people who were born in Canada; hepatitis B can be spread during childbirth,
during sexual intercourse and by sharing razors; hepatitis B is not spread by sharing
eating utensils; and hepatitis B infection can cause cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Our findings indicate that ESL curricula can have a positive impact on health
knowledge among Chinese immigrants with limited English. Future research should
evaluate the effectiveness of ESL curricula for other immigrant groups, as well as
other health topics.
Taylor VM1, Teh C, Lam W, Acorda E, Li L, Coronado G, Yasui Y, Bajdik C, Hislop G.
Author information

Curriculum manual for Mathematics:

Factors Affecting ELLs Success in Mathematics
The impact of schooling difficulties may begin before attending school in the United
States. Depending on the country of origin, students may not have had adequate
education and/or may not have made adequate progress in school. The end result is
that some ELLs may lack basic math skills and the ability to grasp the new concepts
taught in required secondary school math courses.

Effective Strategies for Assessing ELLs Knowledge of Mathematics

The need to develop new strategies for language instruction in the math classroom
is great simply because the population of students in our schools come from varying
language backgrounds.
Word problems in math often pose a challenge because they require that students
read and comprehend the text of the problem, identify the question that needs to be
answered, and, finally, create and solve a numerical equation. Many ELLs may have
difficulty reading and understanding the written content in a word problem.
Strategies for Assessing ELLs Knowledge of Mathematics
Traditionally, the dominant mode of math assessment has been paper-and- pencil
testing including matching, multiple-choice, true/false questions, problems to solve,
short-answer, fill in the blank, or show your work questions.
English-language learners do not have to be assessed in the same way or with the
same testing materials as mainstream students. Tests are not sacred documents or
determiners of ESL students' abilities or any students abilities. Students with
limited English need to be graded on whether they make a sincere attempt to
understand the content material at their current level of English language ability.
Designing realistic assessments is not impossible to do.
Using a Table Chart to Solve Word Problems
While creating a chart is suggested as a means of organizing and arriving at the
solution, it is up to the student to extrapolate this information and then create the
headings for the column.

Language through Art: An ESL

Enrichment Curriculum Evaluation
The J. Paul Getty Museum's innovative English as a Second Language (ESL) curriculum,
Language through Art: An ESL Enrichment Curriculum, provides important resources to
formal educators, while engaging adult learners and reaching out to nontraditional
audiences. A research project was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of both the
beginning and intermediate/advanced levels of the Language through Art curriculum, by
speaking with 160 teachers who had implemented these materials in their classroom.

Many teachers felt that they did not have the background confidence to
implement arts-based units on their own. The workshops and
curriculum format had a positive effect on teachers' skill-acquisition
and implementation of arts-based content.
A high percentage of teachers attending workshops implemented the
curriculum in their classroom (88.5%).
A large majority of teachers who attended a curriculum workshop later
participated in a self-guided museum visit (73.7%).
Overall, the beginning level of the curriculum was too advanced for
lower level ESL students. It was recommended that this level be broken
into two units: (1) Beginning Low, and (2) Beginning High.

Section 2
School and Classroom Information
School Name South Philadelphia High School
Fran Wilkins
Grade Level
High school 9-12
Content-Area Language Arts
Number of
Five students
Students in
Number of
ELLs in
Level 3 developing
Levels for
Vietnam, Haiti, Guatemala, Nepal
Acculturation The students appear to adopt the behavior
patterns of American culture.
Assimilation Based on what I observed I dont think that
these students feel as of yet that they are
Americans. They perceive the difference
Biculturation I think that it will take some time for these
students to eventually
feel that they pertain to both American culture
as well as theirs.
I dont think that these students are resistant
to assimilate. They just need some time

Section 3
Content area: Language Art Grammar and spelling
Grade level: High school
PA academic standards:
English language proficiency standards: English language
proficiency Standard 5
English language learners communicate information, ideas, and
concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of
Language Arts.
English language proficiency levels of ELLs: Level 3 Developing
Can-Do descriptors:
Answer simple content-based questions.
Re/tell short stories or events
Make predictions or hypotheses from discourse
Offer solutions to social conflict
Present content-based information
Engage in Problem-solving
Common core:
Clear, understandable, and consistent

Built upon the strengths and lessons of current state standards

Define formal and informal language.
Evaluate appropriate use of formal and informal language and
make necessary revisions.
Practice spelling high-frequency
Student Work Text on The Readers Journey pages 396-397
Index cards

Curriculum used (references): The readers journey

Adaptations utilized: Have ELL students go through the text on the first
lesson page and identify any troublesome words that they are not
comfortable with. Provide ELL students with additional examples of
idioms, slang, and other forms of informal language. Elicit examples of
idioms from them in their native languages to confirm comprehension.
Consider pairing ELL students with advanced students to allow for peer
tutoring throughout this lesson.
Assignment procedures/descriptions:

Communicative activities:
1. Build Background: Activate Prior Knowledge: write the following
types of writing on the board and ask volunteers to provide a
sample sentence or entry for each:
A vacation journal: (I cant believe were finally here at the
most awesome beach in the world!)
A report on George Washington the first president of the US( The
first president of the United States also defended his country as a
An email to a friend (Meet u tomorrow at 1.)
A complaint letter to a business (I am writing you to describe
what occurred when I plugged in your product for the first time)
2. Teach: Formal and Informal Language: Have students read the
first two paragraph on the first page of the lesson.
What are some additional types of writing that are appropriate for
each category (formal language:letter or email requesting
information, oral report; introduction or recommendation;
informal language.
Review the chart with the class and askWhat are some additional
types of writing that are appropriate for each category (Formal

language: letter or email requesting information; oral report;

introduction or recommendation informal language: childrens
book, blog
3. Assess/Follow-up Progress Monitoring Assessment: Walk around
the room to observe as students complete the exercises. Use
students contributions to class discussions as informal
assessment tools.
Assessment procedures/description: Progress Monitoring
Assessment: Walk around the room to observe as students
complete the exercises. Use students contributions to class
discussions as informal assessment tools.
Reinforcement and Extension.
Assignment: Have students work independently or in pairs to
complete the exercises in the lesson. Suggest that those who finish
early write sentences using additional words on the High frequency
word list.
Evaluation: I evaluated my students on their participation during
the reading of the story and I evaluated them on their Venn
Diagram. They were to include 5 similarities and 5 differences for

formal and informal writing . I allowed them to do more than 5,

but I required at least 5. I took a grade on the Venn Diagrams.

Planning: How did you go about planning the assignment and

assessment? It is very important to differentiate between formal and
informal language. I personally found the topic interesting and I feel that
students from all backgrounds need to learn when to use formal and
informal language within each setting situation.
In terms of the assignment, I wanted to pick a topic that students will
Adapting curriculum, instruction, & assessment methods:

Students may have difficulty differentiating between subtle forms of

formal and informal language. Suggest that visual and kinesthetic
students work in pairs to role play different situations in which either
formal or informal language would be more appropriate (job interview
friends party, family dinner, study group, and so on) Auditory learners
may benefit from participating in this activity as well. Struggling
students may also gain insight through simply reading aloud the sample
sentences generated in class, in order to hear any subtle differences in
delivery and content.
The fact of pairing advanced students with ELL students to monitor
their progress through this lesson is very helpful. In addition, suggesting
that advanced students independently research various sources for a
political or formal speech and re write a selection from it using informal
language. Have advanced students present their informal versions of
speeches to the class and lead class discussions on the effect that the
different language style has on the effectiveness of their speech.

Section 4
Mainstream classroom teachers play a vital function in the education of
English language learners (ELLs). Most mainstream classroom teachers
want to help ELLs succeed academically but do not have the strategies
and skills necessary to reach the ELLs in their classrooms. They are in
need of practical strategies that they can employ immediately to assist
ELLs. This series of workshops is intended for the mainstream
classroom teacher who has not been trained in bilingual or ESL
methodology and wants to get started in transforming their classroom
into a learning environment where all learners can learn.

1. I Dont Know Where to Start

Developing Our Understanding of Diversity

Building Trust in the Classroom
Welcoming English Language Learners
Environmental Elements that Promote Acceptance
Nurturing Relationships with Families

2. Getting Your Message Across

2.5 hours

Putting It All Together

2.5 hours

3. Bringing Language Alive!

2.5 hours

Introduction and Language Acquisition

Comprehensible Input
The Silent Period
The Affective Filter

Section 5: Parent workshop plan- Must focus on support for ELLs and
families. Include the following information:
Session length: 1 hour
Strategies for Supporting ELL Families and Communities
The question becomes, once you recruit ELL students, how do you
successfully support them and their families? Some strategies for
supporting ELL families include:
. Be explicit with parents about the types of supports you are providing
their students, and explain the academic benefits of placing their
child in an ESL program. This will help parents understand the
nature and structure of these supports, and not worry that their
student is missing other important instruction.
. Hire a bilingual parent coordinator or office staff member, or appoint
a staffer, who can assist with family-school communications;
. During the school year, send home written communication in English
and the family's home language;
. Offer skills-based workshops for a families at the school. Choose
topics that have been identified by families as an area of need
(help with reading homework, college readiness, etc.);
. Reach out to local organizations that can provide translation services;

. Immediately connect families with a contact person within the school

whom they can contact with questions and concerns;
. Establish phone trees so that ELL families can receive important
information in their native language;
. Consider making home visits throughout the year, or having at-home
conferences instead of at-school conferences;
. Regularly invite families to school to celebrate student work;
. Set aside specific times during teachers' schedules for home-school
communications (placing phone calls, writing notes, visiting with
. Create a diverse panel of interested family members to help the school
determine, from a family perspective, what family involvement
could look like;
. Provide multiple opportunities for families to give input to the school;
. Engage families in a direct conversations about the possible
differences between home culture and public school culture;
. Share information collected about families' cultures and languages
with all staff members;
. Include parent representation on your school board;
. Facilitate a school-sanctioned parent group that comes together to
support and influence different school decisions;
. Create groups of parents/family members who regularly meet with
school staff to discuss various issues;
. Provide professional development for teachers and staff on topics
such as working with ELL families and information about the
different cultures in your school community;
. Create and support school-based parent volunteer programs; and
. Create and support parent leadership opportunities.
Evaluation instrument/form

Section 6
Topic/title of event: The International Festival
Time allotted for event: couple hours but it took days to prepare
for the event.
Location: Philadelphia Performing Arts Charter School
Purpose of event: Raise diversity awareness among students
Activities at event: Introducing cultural foods from different
places, students will be representing different cultures and
nationalities as well as dress up in traditional ethnic outfits.

Section 7: Reflection
What have you learned about each of the following PDE ESL program
specialist/TESOL competency categories?
I learned a lot about giving instruction of language. I also learned that it
takes more than just knowing how to speak English to teach it. Teaching
ESL students requires the instructor to be open to new cultures and be
very patient. Transmitting language is an art. Understanding students as
well in addition to being comprehensive of the psychological and
environmental change that these students go through. Observing ESL

students is also important because it gives the teacher perspective of

how they react in the classroom. As of assessing ESL students it can be
very challenging sometimes because assessments vary and they do not
always measure students knowledge effectively.

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