Edsc 304 Digital Unit Plan Webquest

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Webquest: The Formation of American Political Parties

You will be completing a WebQuest! First, you will answer a few preliminary questions. Then, you will uncover information about certain
issues that impacted the creation of political parties in the United States. You will be conducting your research regarding these issues
paying special attention to the opinions of either Thomas Jefferson or Alexander Hamilton. You will be paired with a classmate who will
complete their WebQuest from the perspective of the opposing historical figure. Good luck!

You will consider (circle one): Thomas Jefferson or Alexander Hamilton

Start here: http://www.roadmaptolastbesthope.com/files/VolI_Chap4_Laws_Legislation.pdf
1. What were some of the significant compromises made during the Continental Congress? (You can also look back to your lecture
notes for this question.)

2. What was included in the ordinances of 1785 and 1787 (The Northwest Ordinance)? Who might have a problem with these
conditions? Why? Take a look at the language included in the actual document:
http://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/nworder.asp. Which segments do you find interesting or significant?

From the perspective of __________________________(insert your historical figure here), research the following topics that are found in
clauses of the constitution. Use this website: http://www.heritage.org/constitution/#!/articles/1 (You will need to use the States,
Legislative, and Supreme Law tabs.)

Common Market system

Interstate commerce

Common coinage

Full-faith credit

What are your historical figures views on the following topics? Go here: (http://teachinghistory.org/history-content/ask-ahistorian/24094)
Foreign Policy

National Bank

Funding and assumption of the revolutionary war debt

Which political party did your historical figure have a key role in creating? What is that partys current counterpart? Do you think the
partys ideologies have stayed the same? (The information found on http://teachinghistory.org/history-content/ask-a-historian/24094 will
assist with this question.)

Formative Assessment
Youre almost done Now, see if you and your partner can successfully complete this Quizlet (http://quizlet.com/8908315/apush-unit-3flash-cards/ ) together. Go through the flashcard set showing the term first.

Based upon these flashcards, is there anything that you need to research further or need clarified by me? Write down something
you are curious about or do not understand below.

Second, you are now going to create your own set of flashcards on quizlet.com. Your set should have at least ten flashcards. Once
you are finished, add your flashcards to our class page on Quizlet.

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