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Links below taken from Grinter Eldridge 'want2talk: everyday textmessaging'

shortened words- German:

Dring, N. "Kurzm. wird gesendet" - Abkrzungen und Akronyme in der SMSKommunikation. Muttersprache, Heft 2. 2002.

Japanese text messaging:

Ito, M., Mobile Phones, Japanese Youth, and the Re- Placement of Social
Contact. In Proceedings of Annual Meeting for the Society for the Social
Studies of Science, (Cambridge, MA, 2001).

first studies of SMS usage in Scandinavia ( Finland, Norway):

Kasesniemi, E.-L. and Rautiainen, P. Mobile Culture of Children and Teenagers
in Finland. in Katz, J.E. and Aakhus, M. eds. Perpetual Contact: Mobile
Communication, Private Talk, Public Performance, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, England, 2002, 170-192. ( describe shortened words)
8. Ling, R. and Yttri, B. Hyper-coordination via mobile phones in Norway. in
Katz, J.E. and Aakhus, M. eds. Perpetual Contact: Mobile Communication,
Private Talk, Public Performance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
England, 2002, 139-169 ( describe shortened words)

Gender - sex differences: ( taken from DE jon Kemp 'text-message

Ling, R. (2004). Mobile connection: The cell phones impact on society.
Amsterdam: Morgan Kaufmann.
Baron, N. (2004). See you online: Gender issues in college student use of
instant messaging. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 23, 397423.
doi:10.1177/0261927 X042695850. Crystal, D. (2008). Txting: The gr8 db8.
Oxford: Oxford University Pres
Rosen, L., Chang, J., Erwin, L., Carrier, M. & Cheever, N. (2010). The

relationship between textisms and formal and informal writing among young
adults. Communication Research, 37, 420440. doi:10.1177/
0093650210362465. Tagliamonte, S.A. & Denis

Reid, D. J., & Reid, F. J. M. (2005). Textmates and text circles: Insights into the
social ecology of SMS text messaging. In A. Lasen & L. Hamill (Eds.), Mobile
world: Past, present and future (pp. 105118). London: Springer. ( taken from
Plester 'Exploring relationship between children')


Williams "Pop Orthography" 2010

Miltner, K 2011 Srsly phenomenal: an investigation into the appeal of LOLcats
Unpublished manuscript, London School of Economics and Political Science.
Brubaker J R 2008 Wants moar: Visual medias use of text in LOLcats and
silent film Gnovis Journal 8(2):117-124
unpublished thesis about grammatical properties of LOLspeak:
Hill A 2010 LOLspeak: a deskripshun Unpublished manuscript, Monash
Anil Dash 'Cats can has grammar'

community level: Calka 2011/ Miltner 2011--->LOL speak article

linguistic level: Bambi Schieffelin research group NYU---> article
Rosen 2010---> aricle
other work:
Brunaker (2008)
LOLcat captions- silent films

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