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Soap Opera Trailer Proposal

Prepared by Lucie OGara


Aquinas College


Prepared by
Lucie OGara

Project name: Sylvester Avenue

Aquinas: Media and Film Studies Department

Sylvester Avenue

Outline of idea:
-Domestic dispute over a baby in a student household
-Teenager gets pregnant unintentionally, with roommates
best friend
-disputes between father and mother
-Disputes turn aggressive leading up to the mother being
in an accident
-The rest of the cast are witness to these disputes and are

Narrative will mainly focus on the pregnant teenager:
-Child is conceived, while mother and father are drunk
-Mother finds out she is pregnant
-mother confronts the father
-Father wants nothing to do with the baby
-Father gets annoyed
-Over time disputes between the mother and father
become common while she is pregnant
-people who are close to the mother become concerned
-a dispute gets out of control and the mother ends up in an
accident by falling down the stairs
-friend finds the mother at the bottom of the stairs
-mother is unconscious

Character Profiles:
Pregnant Teen- (Maria) Maria is 17 and has always been a
top student at school, she unfortunately got caught up in
the wrong crowd when she was 16 and recently discovered
that she is pregnant due to a drunken one night stand with
her roommates best friend who is 3 years older than her.
Since this has happened she was kicked out of her
parents house and they refuse to have any contact with
her. Maria has to rely on her friends and sister to look after
her. Her grades are dropping in college meaning she wont
have the opportunity to go to university like all her friends.
Babys dad- (Chris) Chris is 20 years old; he dropped out
of his first year at college and got a part time job working
at dominoes. Chris lives with his parents and has spent
many nights in police cells from being drunk and
disorderly on nights out. Chris cant control himself when
he has had a few drinks; he relies on friends to take care of
him. Since Chris got Maria pregnant he rarely speaks to
any of his friends and constantly begs Maria to have an

Production Team, roles and skills:

Producer: ALL
Director: ALL
Cast: ALL
Camera: ALL
Sound: ALL
Assistant Camera/director: ALL

Target Audience
Target audience is similar age to the cast, aimed at mainly females with the
age being between 17-21 (Students)
The reason this is our target audience is because the cast are similar age
and the storylines will be much more relatable to the people of similar age

Reasons as to why the idea will work (broadcast time, demand for
style of show, mass/niche appeal)
-Program being broadcast at 9:00 means we can bring more adult
themes into the program
-The style of show is similar to skins, which had a niche appeal to
teenagers which were of similar age to the cast

Location and resources: Manchester and a house.

When it will be ready:

Client feedback (including areas for development prior to

drafting of treatment):

Certified suitable for development:

Executive Producer.......................................................


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