Presentation During Lesson One Ethical Investments

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Classroom Rules:

1. Listen and Follow Instructions

2. Raise Your Hand before Speaking
or Leaving Your Seat
3. Keep Hands, Feet, and Objects to
4. Respect Your Classmates And Your
Teacher - How? Follow 1, 2, 3.

Ethical Investment
Ethical: What is it? How do you
define it? How does it impact

Right or Wrong Religious Beliefs

Doing what the Law Requires

"Ethics consists of the standards of

behaviour our society accepts."


How does ethics impact investing?

= Positive and Negative Screening
Positive = Good = you want to INVEST
E.g.: Tassal Leukaemia Foundation,
Save the Tasmanian Devil, scholarships
for aquaculture.

Negative Screening
Negative = Bad = . . . .
E.g.: Smoke and Alcohol companies

Class Website:
Activity One - YouTube Analysis (Nike) - Think,
Pair, Share:
1) Watch the video as a class
2) In pairs, answer the questions
3) Share the answers as a whole class
Questions a) How is this an ethical/unethical issue?
b) What type of ethical investment is this?
(Social, Environmental, Moral)
c) How is this an example of positive or
negative screening?
d) If you were an investor - would you apply
this type of negative/positive screening?
Explain why.

Activity Two - Group Work (Case-Study

Analysis) - 5 mins
1) One student reads the case-study
2) Each (Ss) is to contribute their answers for
the responses and write answers down
3) Teacher will choose random students in the
group to share their groups answers, so all
students must have answers written down.

4) The whole group is to present their casestudy and their answers.

Group One: Destruction of forests
Forest Gump are a timber company. They are destructing
thousands of hectares of rain forest and land for their timber
Group Two: Animal testing:
Olivia Munn is an advocate for "People of the Ethical Treatment
of Animals". Their team investigated the animal cruelty
experienced at China fur companies. The animals were locked
up and congested in cages and after their fur was ripped off,
the animals were left to die.
Group Three: Provides funding to charity:
McDonald has various charity sponsorships. They have
McHappy Day in which $2 from purchasing a Big Mac is given
to "Ronald McDonald Charity House" which is fully sponsored
by McDonald RMH has provided vital help to over 100,000
families through a wide range of programs by providing a range
of support to seriously ill children and their families when they
need it most.
Group Four: Providing scholarships to study at their
Tassal Australia provides scholarships to students to study
aquaculture. Aquaculture is the method of controlling the
farming of the fresh and salt water species. Tassal Australia are
pioneers of aquaculture as they are driven by environmentally
friendly procedures.

Questions a) How is this an ethical/unethical issue?

b) What type of ethical investment is this?
(Social, Environmental, Moral)
c) How is this an example of positive or
negative screening?
d) If you were an investor - would you apply
this type of negative/positive screening?
Explain why.

Random Asking
One) What is ethical investment?
Two) What is positive investment?
Three) Example of positive investment?
Four) What is negative investment?
Five) Example of negative investment?

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