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Unit 6 Assessment

Key Terms: Match the key term with the correct definition.
1. caste

A. first written language of India

2. raja

B. an Ancient Indian social class

3. Sanskrit

C. the idea that the soul is reborn into many different lives

4. monsoons

D. an Indian prince

5. nirvana

E. seasonal wind, especially in the Indian Ocean and southern Asia

6. reincarnation

F. a state of perfect happiness that is achieved after giving up all desires

Section 9.1: Pgs. 248-256

7. Which of the following is one of Indias three most important major rivers?
a. Arabian

c. Ganges

b. Bengal

d. Indian

8. Which was a nomadic people that entered the Indus River valley around 1500 B.C.?
a. Aryans

c. Sudras

b. Ganges

d. rajas

9. In Indias caste system, the Kshatriyas class contained which people?

a. common people

c. Untouchables

b. priests

d. warriors and rulers

Section 9.2: Pgs. 257-264

10. Which is one of the oldest religions in the world and is the worlds third largest religion today?
a. Aryanism

c. Buddhism

b. Brahmanism

d. Hinduism

11. In Hinduism, the one universal spirit, or creator, is called

a. Brahman

c. Krishna

b. Indra

d. Siva

12. Who founded Buddhism during the 500s B.C.?

a. the Dalai Lama
b. Lakshmi

c. Sarawati
d. Siddhartha Gautama

13. The Buddha believed that the only way to find truth was to give up
a. all desires

c. the Eightfold Path

b. the Four Noble Truths

d. suffering

Section 9.3: Pgs. 265-271

14. The Mauryan dynasty set up which type of government?
a. city-state

c. theocratic

b. democratic

d. well-run

15. Which is an epic poem about a ruler who rescues his captured wife and that grew to about 25,000
a. Bhagavad Gita

c. Ramayana

b. Vishnu

d. Hinduism

16. Which Indian invention affected the study of mathematics and science?
a. algebra

c. geometry

b. algorithms

d. the symbol zero

Chapter 9: Pgs. 248-271

17. The Indian subcontinent is part of the continent of
a. Africa

c. Europe

b. Asia

d. South America

18. Most Indus Valley people lived in

a. farming villages

c. small towns

b. large cities

d. large ranches

19. During the monsoon rains, winds blow from

a. east to west across the Himalaya

c. sea to land

b. land to sea

d. southern India to the north

Using the information on Pg. 261 answer the following question.

20. According to the Buddhas Four Noble Truths, why do people suffer and what is the solution to end
Using the chart on Pg. 255 answer the following question. Make sure that you provide specific
examples from the text to back up your opinion. Your answer should be written in paragraph form.
21. How did the caste system in India affect peoples lives?

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