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is one of a set of six stand alone stories in four

books, each with subtle links to the others.
Each tale has the author Ian Quartermaine’s
fast moving, brutally frank,
pull no punches, extremely graphic writing style.
A potentially true account of humankind’s future
if genetic engineering, computer science and
artificial intelligence go awry due to man's greed
and lust for power, this action packed story
confirms the indomitability of the human spirit.
NB. ‘Cybernaut’ contains extremely graphic
accounts of incest, violence, savagery and horror.
Do not purchase if you are of
a sensitive disposition or emanate from
a sheltered personal background.

Connecting books in this Series:

‘Sleepless in Bangkok’
‘White Slavery’ For King and Country
‘From Other Worlds’

The latest hard hitting novel from

Ian Quartermaine:
‘Siam Streetfighter’

Coming Soon:
‘Sleepless in Bangkok 2’
The Author: A much travelled journalist and copywriter,
Ian Quartermaine settled in South East Asia
during the late nineteen eighties.
Grateful for the yin yang insight which his Oriental ‘education
provided, helped bring a broader cultural perspective
to his written work.
These days Ian travels extensively,
but looks back with interest on his sojourn in Siam.
An early reader with an interest in adventure stories and sci-fi,
it was probably inevitable that when he eventually
became a writer, a book or three combining both genres
would result.

The Story: Although written decades before - think

‘Gladiator’ meets ‘Avatar’ - ‘Cybernaut’ is an obvious movie
with some very serious metaphors regarding the future of
humankind and our planet.
Strangely, ‘Cybernaut’ was offered a movie deal within
days of the screenplay being written, twenty five years
before. But this major studio went into liquidation before
they could produce it. Back then the effects would have been
cardboard and cheesy, and only now can computer
technology and 3D create this future world in the spectacular
and frightening manner which the three ‘Cybernaut’ stories
Written two plus decades ago but published only in
Thailand, coining the word ‘Cybernaut’ long before the
Internet was established, the story is set in a technologically
controlled world of the future that just could occur.
Based in the future but drawing deeply on mankind’s
history and primaeval past, ‘Cybernaut’ advances a disturbing
amalgam of possibilities.
Utilising genetic engineering, any species or combination
of species can theoretically be combined. Add computer
science, and in the near future both human and artificial
intelligence will ultimately be down-loaded into a cybernetic
body. Using these technological advances, chosen individuals
could eventually become immortal, rivalling the Gods in
intellect and power. But all too often man’s greed and lust for
power overrides the greater good, and evil is always waiting
in the wings ready to exploit and rule.
An additional element in the present which could
potentially influence the future, is that multi national companies
are fast becoming so powerful that a corporate state is not an
impossibility in the future. Add religious fundamentalism,
increasingly powerful technology, artificial intelligence in the
hands of the few and the ability to alter the genetic composition
of life itself, and the ingredients are in place for Hell on Earth.
Add the supernatural, and metaphors in the three
‘Cybernaut’ stories pose some extremely difficult
Twenty five years since ‘Cybernaut’ was first published,
many of the events detailed within have come true. In its view
of Earth’s past as seen from the distant future, Arnold
Schwarzenegger had become President of the U.S.A. This
was decades before his real life entry into politics, when he
effectively became President of California. It also predicted
that each of us would have a microchip implanted under our
skin, effectively making us slaves of Big Government and
Big Business, in a Corporate State. This has now started to
happen. What else in this book will become reality? It has
been scarily accurate in its predictions. What it foretells is
even more disturbing.

Published by IQ Inc.
International licencing enquiries:

(C) 1985. 1988. 2004. 2009.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted

or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying,
recording or otherwise, except for brief extracts for the purpose
of review, without prior permission in writing from the publisher.

ISBN: 974-830-87-21

Initial Print: 1988.

Second Pressing: June 2004.
E-book: 2009. E7EE-book

About IQ Inc.

A group of actors, writers, graphic designers and intellectual

property licencing executives combined in an informal relation-
ship to write, mentor other authors and package hard hitting,
edgy, real life projects for publication as books and movies. The
controversial and successful book ‘Sleepless in Bangkok’ was
the first project, ‘For King & Country’ the second. The two sci-
fi novels ‘From Other Worlds’ and ‘Cybernaut’ were published
simultaneously. ‘Siam Streetfighter’ followed. ‘Sleepless in
Bangkok 2’ is on the way. Other projects are in development.

‘Special Edition’
A Novel by Ian Quartermaine
From an original story by Jake Anthony

(C) ‘IQ Inc’. 1985. 1988. 2004. 2009.

Edited and Packaged by Jake Anthony

The Catacombs
Joshua’s rugged, almost perfectly handsome face stared straight
ahead into the gloom. Intent upon his mission, only the sound of his
footsteps crunching hard against gravel could be heard, each tread
echoing faintly against some compact surface.
Proceeding on his determined march, Joshua made his way
through a dimly lit tunnel. One of many in an ancient catacomb, the
stone tunnel stretched far back into the distance. Illuminated not by
flaming torches as the ancient stone walls would suggest, but by
some unworldly power source glowing in the darkness, Joshua
looked intently towards his destination.
The luminance grew stronger as Joshua approached the exit
to the tunnel and the sound of an excited crowd could be heard. As
his long march through the catacombs reached its climax, the sound
of his echoing footsteps and that of the crowd combined until only
the roar of many people could be heard.

The Arena
Resplendent in styles combining ancient Roman gladiator, Egyptian
warrior and early twenty second century astronaut, Joshua emerged
into a gladiatorial arena. Stopping for a moment, his magnificent
physique glistened beneath the harsh sunlight and powerful solar
generators bursting stored light energy of cold laser onto small
diamond reflectors, blasting the arena awash in a light source to
match the sun.
Wearing a bronze helmet trimmed with silver and emblazoned
with an Egyptian Phoenix, a gold covered titanium breastplate with
a pyramid enclosed within a circle etched into the metal, and a toga-
like garment to his knees, Joshua appeared Godlike.
Constructed of high stone slabs, the ancient arena was the
centrepiece of a coliseum packed throughout with spectators. But
above the stone surround, the amphitheatre more accurately re-
sembled a technically advanced sports’stadium. With camera ports
and huge screens spaced throughout, in freeze frame close up and
slow motion action replay, every bead of sweat, emotion or trace of
fear would be captured for the delectation of the crowd. Whatever
event was about to take place would be transmitted to a greater
audience beyond.
Young vendors smartly dressed in sparkling white uniforms
reminiscent of naval cadets from an earlier time, mingled with the
crowd. The snacks, drinks and frozen confections were popular
with the crowd, who were enjoying their day out in the sun.
As a visual distraction, one section of the coliseum was popu-
lated exclusively by young girls dressed in a variety of feminine fash-
ions. Like a scene from the private enclosure of a horse race meet-
ing in the distant past, the fashion show contrasted dramatically with
the unisex trouser suits worn by other female members of the audi-
Despite the excitement and anticipation of the crowd, they
were orderly and controlled. Bright and intelligent, there were no
retards, criminals or hooligans present. Outer violence was only
noticeable by its absence, and if inner chaos existed it was being
released in a socially acceptable manner.
Mothers clutched babies as they stood waiting to pay their
small part in the imminent event, and fathers held young sons on
their shoulders to gain a better view. Senior citizens on a communal
day out, swayed unsteadily on their feet as they attempted to catch
a glimpse of the magnificent specimen of manhood standing in the
arena. Well dressed in plain yet stylish clothing, the appearance of
the crowd contrasted dramatically to that of Joshua, who was clearly
of a different race, class or genus.
Walking slowly and deliberately towards the centre of the
ring, the adoration of the crowd reached fever pitch. In response,
the huge man raised his arm and gave salute to the citizens of his
world. His fascistic salutation resembled that of the ancient Nazi.
An athlete and a warrior, the muscles of Joshua’s huge frame
bulged and rippled as he withdrew a short broad fighting sword
from its scabbard. Stabbing it into the air, the razor sharp edge
gleamed in the theatrically bright light. In his other hand, Joshua
carried a small round shield decorated with an ancient design - a
circle with a pyramid at the centre.
Machine-like, aware of what was expected and expert at
carrying it out, the magnificently sculptured man stood still and
statuesque at the centre of the arena, sword above his head.
The senate’s ornately liveried box could have come straight
from the arena in Ben Hur. In contrast, the president and a dozen of
his most favoured ministers were reminiscent of commissars in some
twentieth century socialist state.
Kaisor, Grand Master of the Brethren, sat directly next to
The President. Arrogantly demonstrating his elevated position, oc-
casionally he would lean over to make some private comment to
the most powerful autocrat on the planet.
Suddenly, an overture of synthesised trumpets from ancient
times fused with unearthly electronic sounds. The spine tingling mu-
sic ceased as abruptly as it had started and the crowd went deathly
quiet. In the silence that followed, a series of inhuman roars and
primaeval screams echoed around the stadium.
In comparison to the fearful sounds emanating from deep
within the catacombs, an authoritative voice reverberated through-
out the stadium’s multi-speaker system. An imagined cross between
Jesus Christ, Lord Buddha and Moses, but with a suggestion of
malevolence that was ultimately chilling, the voice commanded at-
“Friends, welcome to the penultimate conflict in this quar-
ter’s Olympic Games. Let us pay our respects to Joshua, Leader of
the Praetorian Guard and the greatest gladiator of all time.”
The crowd listened in respectful and fearful silence to the
Voice of God.
“It is time to celebrate the diligence of all who are loyal to the
Corporate State and to endorse The Brethren, who expose the
transgressions of all who would dissent from the righteous path.
Today, we will witness the elimination of dissidents by time hon-
oured custom - ritual combat with the beasts.”
Joshua remained motionless at the centre of the arena, sword
still pointing skywards in salute.
“According to ancient custom, should one individual dem-
onstrate courage beyond human endurance and survive their ordeal
at the talons of the beasts, their life will be spared. To add to our
clemency, the honour of the Olympic Medal and freedom to make
a new and honourable start will be granted.”
Joshua slowly turned and looked towards the entrance to
the catacombs, the place where the dissidents would emerge.
“The names of the condemned will be announced along with
their crimes. From that moment on they will be struck from the
records, never to be written or spoken of again. Let their fate be an
example to all who might transgress.”
As the Voice of God faded eerily into nothingness, a highly
professional commentator spoke the name and crime of each dissi-
dent. Simultaneously, the information was transcribed on huge moni-
tors spaced throughout the stadium, allowing the crowd to show
their contempt.
“Amos Christopher - Archaeologist. Corporate Criticism.”
“David Colin - Archaeologist. Corporate Criticism.”
“Adam Freestone - Space Technician. Fomenting Unrest.”
“Genos Halifax - MediaAdministrator. Disloyalty to the Holy
Corporate State.”
“Ivana Mayerling - Senate Assistant. Failure to Execute Cor-
porate Policy.”
“Robina Saharta - Physicist. Anti-Corporate Activity.”
“Susan Saharta - Child. Non-Denunciation of Parents.”


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