Submission of Life Certificate

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State Bank of India


Life Certificate
(to be submitted by Pensioner once a year in November)
Certified that I have seen the pensioner Shri / Smt/ Ms___________________
holder of Pension Payment Order No. _________________________ and that
he/ she is alive on this date.
Name: __________________________________________________________
Place: _______________
Date: _______________
Designation of Authorised Officer: _____________________________________
(Signature of the Authorised Official)

Additional Information
I submit herewith additional details as under:
1. Income tax Permanent Account Number (PAN) _______________________
2. (a) Mobile number _____________________________________________
(b) Alternate Mobile number _____________________________________
3. Date of birth of the spouse: ______________________________________
(Proof of date of Birth attached)

4. e-mail address: ________________________________________________

5. Present Postal address of Pensioner: _______________________________

Name of the Pensioner:____________________________________
Savings Bank Account No: _________________________________
Date: ______________

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