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Jake Lindsay

Summertive Assessment

Creative Media Level 3

Time is a major factor to consider when creating a media product such as a 3-4 minute
single camera as I have deadlines to meet when shooting the footage for the project also
deadlines for editing the footage and making sure it flows and is the highest quality possible
when handed in. I have to make sure I am able to hire the equipment at the right times and
have the equipment back onto for the next person to shoot. Not only the camera but all the
other equipment as well such as lighting if needed and a tripod. With the equipment I need to
make sure all the actors are dedicated to the project and can shoot and certain times when I
have hired out the equipment I would have to draw up a timetable to make sure everyone
would be able to make the shooting they are needed in. Another time related factor would be
clearances and locations because if I have to hire out places and get clearances this would
have to be a perfect time for the owners of the locations I want to shoot if these places have
Overall Time is a major factor I most defiantly will and should consider to make sure my
project turns out as high quality as possible so I can achieve the best grade possible.
I would not need to get clearances for music as this is a school project and I will most
probably be making the music myself. Over next few months I will have multiple deadlines to
meet and these deadlines are

2nd December for handing in my online blog and paperwork

18th December for pre-production shooting footage
3rd February for post-production editing

Taking into account that no work would be done over the holidays such as the Christmas
holidays as all actors and everyone working on the project would be busy and not everyone
would be able to attend shooting footage also editing the footage as that needs to be done in
college as well,

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