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CCTV(Closed Circuit TV)

Closed circuit television is a special application in which camera

signals are made available only to a limited number of monitors or
receivers. The particular type of link used depends on distance
between two locations, the number and dispersion of receivers and
mobility of either camera or receiver. The simplest link is a cable
where video signal from the camera is connected directly through a
cable to the receivers. A television Monitor, which is a receiver,
without RF and IF circuits, is only required for reception in such a
link arrangement. About one volt peak-to-peak video signal is
required by the monitor.

There are numerous applications of CCTV, a few are briefly described here:
One instructor may lecture to a large number of students sitting at different locations. Similarly close-ups of
demonstration experiments and other aids can be shown on monitors during these lectures.
Television cameras are installed at different locations in big departmental stores to keep an eye over
customers and sales personnel.
In banks, railway yards, ports, traffic points and several other similar locations, closed circuit TV can be
effectively used for surveillance.
In industry, CCTV has applications in remote inspection of materials. Observance of nuclear reactions and
other such phenomena would have been impossible without television. Similarly, television has played a great
role in scanning of earths surface and probing of other planets.
In homes a CCTV monitor finds its application in seeing the caller before opening the door.
Aerospace and Oceanography:
Here a wireless link is used between the transmitter and receiver. In some applications, camera is remotely
controlled over a microwave radio link.

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