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Dear Diary,

Arctic Fox


Dear Diary,

My name is Snow and Im an

Arctic Fox. I was born 15
minutes ago. Mom told me
that Arctic Foxes live in, let
me think, the entire Arctic
Tundra, Alaska, Canada,
Greenland, Russia,
Scandinavia and Ice Land. We
are the only land mammal
there. Wait a minute. How
do we live in all those places
at once? I must be HUGE!


Dear Diary,

I just realized that my muzzle, ears and legs

are very short. I asked mom and she said it
was to conserve heat but I disagree. It is
probably to I dont know but NOT
whatever 4mom said.


Dear Diary,

-Dad(He doesnt like


Today mom told me the story of

when her and dad met. It was
kind of boring but what are you
going to do when your eyes arent
open yet? Anyway, they have
been together forever and they
have been friends since they were
1 or something. Oh yeah. Dad
said I might be a big sister next


Dear Diary,

My eyes opened today so we went outside and it had snowed 20cm! Dad
showed us that to get food in the winter we have to dive head first into
the snow when we hear a mouse. Then we have to grab the mouse (or
other rodents) with our teeth. I laughed so hard when I saw dad with his
tail in the air!!!

polar bearAHHH

Dear Diary,

AHHH!!! I just saw the largest animal. It was white like us but huge
(as I said)!!! At first I thought it was friendly and wanted to be friends,
but then mom said to run. I was so frightened and I ran as fast as my
little legs would go. Mom said it was just a Polar Bear and we are safe
now but Im still going to hide for eternity!!


Dear Diary,

When dad went out to catch

dinner last night, I asked
mom to listen at the
entrance of the den until she
couldnt hear him any more.
she could hear him for so
long so I guess we have great
hearing. I dont know how
long she could hear him
because I got board before
mom couldnt hear him any
more. :)


Dear Diary,

Last night my fur grew in!! I am pure white and the most
beautiful fox in all the universe! I love it, love it, love it! There
is only one problem with my new awesome fur. When I went
out side I couldnt see myself.


Dear Diary,

Im so mad and sad at

the same time. mom toledo
me that in the summer (I
learned is when there is
no snow) I wont have my
white coat. it will be a
plain, boring, NOT
beautiful white like it is
now. I was so sad I went
outside and did my best


Dear Diary,

Today when I went outside all the snow was gone! It was
so crazy and I was taller than all the plants. mom said
there is not a lot of vegetation here. I do hate that word,
vegetation. Wait, if I am taller than every thing than I
must really be HUGE!


Dear Diary, !

What to tell you diary, what to tell you. I know I will write
about dinner last night. Last night we had lemmings for
dinner, and the night before, and the night before, and the
night before.. I wonder what we are having tonight.



Dear Diary,

My birthday is Sept. 16th 2011. I

cant wait until my birthday.
Mom said her friend is going to
have a litter in June which is late
for an Arctic Fox. I think when I
go to school I will be the oldest!



Dear Diary,

Me and Grandma

Today was grandmas birthday! It was really fun!

Grandma is 15 today which is really old for an Arctic Fox.
Dad said his mom only lived to 10 years which is the
average age. Grandma is so old and wise and she told me
no, Im not huge.


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