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Astronomy Take Home Quiz (All or Nothing)

1. The two forms of the wavelength equation are =v/f and =c/v.
a. What is v in the first equation? velocity
b. What is v in the second equation? frequency
c. What is f? frequency
d. What is c? speed of light
e. What is ? wavelength
2. What is the name of the SI unit for frequency, given as cycles per second? Hertz
3. If light is travelling in space, then at what speed is it travelling? (Give numerical answer in m/s, to
two sig-figs, use as needed in below problems.) 3.00 x 108
4. If is 1 x 10-8 and the beam of light is travelling through the vacuum of space, calculate the
5. What light frequency has the longest ? The shortest ?
6. What light frequency has the largest frequency? The shortest frequency?
7. If the frequency of a beam is 3 x 1019 and the beam is moving through the void ( ), then what is
8. Extra Credit (its ok if you get it wrong): At the atomic and subatomic levels, space-time is
irregular. Each one is worth one point. Just for fun. It really has very little to do with
a. _Energy____________ distorts space time.
b. Distortions caused by subatomic particles create a texture of space-time called _Quantum
foam______ by physicists.
c. _Wormholes__________ are thought to be found in the answer to b
9. What does HR (as in HR Diagram) stand for?
10. What are the axes on the HR Diagram?
11. Mark and Label each on the HR Diagram below
a. the main sequence
b. super giants (approximate area)
c. giants (approximate area)
d. white dwarfs
e. What is the suns spectral class?_____________
i. plot it
f. What is Betelgeuses spectral class?____________
i. plot it
12. What type of star does each of the following roman numerals/letters refer to?
a. Ia-0 _______________
b. Ia _________________
c. Ib _________________
d. II ________________
e. III _______________
f. IV ________________
g. V _________________
h. D _________________

13. What is the diameter of the youngest Supernova remnant in the milky way?
14. Describe the two phases of delayed detonation occurring with G1.0 + .03
15. What are shape to most 1A super nova remnants have. (eg elliptical, asymmetrical etc)
16. In what cloud of gas is Et Carinae? ____________________
17. Characteristics super nova Ia __________________
18. Define super nova imposter event ___________________
19. What type of system is et carina in? _____________________
20. Which DSO is a variable star and has a closed binary system and is 90-100 light years away?
21. Which DSO had most of their material spewed out from the poles rather than the equator?
22. How far away are Mira A and Mira B from each other? ____________________
23. First known Galactic source that ejects material with apparent superluminal velocities?
24. Globular clusters naturally sort stars how? ______________
25. Identify Figure B

Figure A

Figure B

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