Career Interview

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Student Name: Gabrielle Scantland

Careeer Field: Interior Design

Interview Date: November 9th 2014

Job Title: Interior Designer

Name of Person Interviewed: Danyne Johnston

1. How long have you been in this career? 6.5 years.
2. What Post-secondary education/training did you need to qualify for this position? At least a diploma,
received Senior Certificate at BCIT.
3. How long did it take to complete this training? 4.5 years of part-time night school.
4. Was there additional training required for this specific position? Assorted art, painting studies, colour
theory, a year of drafting.
5. Which high school courses helped prepare you for this pathway? Drama, art, painting, photography,
Chinese brush painting.
6. Did you know if you wanted to follow this career in high school? Yes.
7. Describe your general duties. Sales, designing budget, calculating costs, organizing trades and
contracters, shopping, set-up.
8. What are your weekly hours? 40-60 hours
9. What is a general starting salary for someone in this field? $21,000 per year. (in 1991, which is when
she started)
10. What do you like the best about your career? Design process, tile layouts, working with colours.
11. What do you like the least about your career? Accounting for time sheets
12. What advice do you have for someone considering this career? Get as much experience, knowledge
and applied skills as possible, especially in business and design.

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