Sample Acceptance Letter

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City of San Fernando, La Union


To the Manager of Ocampos Incorporated- La Union Branch:

You have permitted us to make your company the subject of our study which is in partial
fulfillment of our requirements in Acctg 12 - Auditing Theory. With the objective of understanding and
evaluating the internal control system employed by the company in order to come up with a conclusion
on how effective and efficient are the conduct of those controls, identify areas for improvement and
suggest recommendations to improve internal control measures, we are more than pleased to inform
you of the scope of our study which will encompass an in-depth research on how these internal controls
are selected, up to how extent are they being applied, whether or not they are being applied correctly
and the procedures undertaken whenever problems relating to it are encountered.
However, in as much as we would like to go further with our study, we find it necessary to
obtain first a written confirmation that you are giving us authority to access and publish company
information relating to our study which will be in the form of this letter. From this we also anticipate full
cooperation from all persons in the company involved with our study, that they may make available all
necessary information needed.
In the attainment of the before mentioned objective, may we add that the study will depend so
much with the information given to us by the management. Given such condition, we trust the
management that information given to us are all true to the best of their knowledge. In response, we
are assuring you that all facts and other information entrusted to us will be treated with strict
confidentiality. We are only to provide a copy of such disclosures to the adviser of said course requiring
this study.
This letter will be effective until the end of the study.
Please sign to indicate confirmation of the conditions given above.

Respectfully yours,

Acknowledged on behalf of Ocampos Incorporated- La Union Branch by

Branch Manager

Date Received: January 19, 2010

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