Memoir Rough Draft

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Mock 1

Jesse Mock
Mr. Maslonka
English 101
8 September 2014
Two hours left, thats all we have until we find out if we can get them. I can hardly wait
and the week it took them to decide is starting to kill me.
This moment, nearly 10 years ago, was when a huge decision had to be made by my parents,
whether or not we could adopt two horses. The question came up when we finished the house in
Williams Township and the land was fenced in, bringing the question of what we will do with it.
It was the end of summer and the weather was beautiful out, being moderately warm with sunny
blue skies. My grandparents lived on the other part of the land helping my parents raise us three
rowdy children while they both worked full time jobs. I remember the moment distinctly when
my two siblings, my older sister Taryn, my older brother Cody, and myself were waiting in the
living room after school waiting for my mom and dad to come home and tell us the verdict.
Do you think she will let us get them? my sister hushed to my brother and I when we all
convened in the living room. It was nearly 10 minutes before our parents got home from work
and the wait was beginning to become excruciating. I distinctly remember the thought of
visualizing what it would be like to have horses of my very own; majestic animals that have
always fascinated me. My family has always been an animal-oriented family growing up having
dogs, cats, hamsters, and birds. It only made sense to add getting horses to put under our belt.
All three of us were in self-thought when the door suddenly opened and we all became quit. My
sister exclaimed in a hush tone, dont bug them and put on your best pleading faces. We all
mechanically obeyed and the moment we were all dreading and waiting for was moments away.

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My mother walked into the room with my father paces behind her. They both had blank
stares on their face, either from deep in thought or trying to prolong the anticipation of their
verdict. My mom sat down beside my sister and my dad was leaning on the wall beside the T.V.
when she finally cleared her throat. This was it I thought, she isnt going to let us get them, I
began to feel pity both for myself and for my sister who was the most excited of the three of us.
You guys know that this will take a lot of responsibility, requiring everyone to help out and
to take care of these horses my mother began to almost lecture us by the tone she was
Yes! my sister, brother and myself almost shouted in unison, realizing that she had made up
her mind and the answer was yes. I could sense the lifted atmosphere that was arising from all of
us once the fact that we were getting horses sunk in. I was the first one to speak after a moment
of silence had passed as our parents let us visualize what was to come.
So... Does that mean that we are going to get them soon? I nearly whispered not trying to
get them angry. I figured that we would have to wait for the next day or for the weekend but
what my mother said next made the day.
No. My mother hesitated and paused as if considering how to phrase what she was going to
say or simply prolonging the moment. We are going today, right now if everyone is ready to go
and pick them out! She nearly squealed as if she were just as excited as we were.
Ok lets go right now! All three of us nearly screamed in anticipation and excitement. We
drove nearly an hour to a ranch where we picked out a four-year-old quarter horse and a oneyear-old paint. The quarter horse, standing 14-hands tall (horse people lingo for height) and had
a brown-red coloration with four white socks. We ended up naming her Trudy largely because
she bonded with my sister and she came up with the name. The younger horse, the paint was
only 6-hands tall, having a black, white, and brown coloration with a sort of blue shade around

Mock 3
her hooves. We decided to call her Quannie because they name popped into my mothers name
and it seemed to fit her. That day we paid for them and they were going to be coming to our
home in two weeks. This had to be one of the best days of my childhood, leaving an
unforgettable mark on my life.

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