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Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: Olivia Shaffer

Rev. 2013

Lesson # 5 - Showcase lesson

Subject/Grade: Science/ TMD

Date and Time of Lesson: 11/13/14
Learning Objective: (must support unit objectives identified in TWS 3)
The students will be able to identify safety equipment such as goggles, gloves, aprons and sinks and know how to utilize

Alignment with Standards: (must support unit standards identified in TWS 3)

SC ALT: 8-1.1,1.2- Know safety procedures for conducting scientific experimentation, Identify safety
equipment such as goggles, gloves, aprons, sinks and how to utilize them in whole group settings.
Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: (should parallel information in TWS Section 3)
The students are getting ready to start science and need to learn the different safety equipment and rules.
Assessment(s) of the Objectives: (must support unit assessments identified in TWS 3)
What assessment(s) will you use to determine student learning (pre, during, post)? Each objective should be aligned with
an assessment.
Lesson Objective(s)

Assessment(s) of the

The students will be able to

identify safety equipment such
as goggles, gloves, aprons and
sinks and know how to utilize

Pre: Before the lesson, the

students and I will review the
safety rules from yesterday. I
will then pass out a worksheet
and they will be required to
match what goes with what.
For example: Eyes Goggles
During: During the lesson, the
students and I will discuss why
we wear goggles, aprons,
gloves and how to properly use
a sink.
After: The students will practice
using the safety equipment

Use of Formative
(TWS section 7)
Before the lesson starts,
the students will complete
a worksheet based on the
safety equipment to see
where they are at. After
the lesson the students
will properly apply the
different safety equipment
and using a checklist, I will
evaluate what they did
correctly and what they
did incorrectly. The
checklist will tell me if the
students put the different
safety equipment on
correctly and if they used
the sink properly.

Accommodations: (should parallel information in TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)
I will allow extra wait time for students that need it.

Materials: Goggles, aprons, gloves, sink, soap, paper towels, worksheet, and chocolate pudding
1. Good afternoon class!
2. Yesterday Mrs. White talked about some science safety rules. Lets go over those again today.
Open PowerPoint with rules and safety equipment
No running or playing in the lab.
Have closed toed shoes on.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template






Rev. 2013

Think ahead.
Be neat and careful.
No eating OR drinking in the lab.
Today we are going to look at what we need to wear when we are in the lab
Before we look at these items, I want to see what you know. Please match the different items, this is not
graded, this is just to see where you are at.
Allow time for students to complete worksheet, walk around to see what they are doing
Take up worksheets
Start with goggles I will ask the class where the goggles go and then after receiving an answer, I will put
them on my face. We will discuss why we wear goggles
To protect our eyes of harmful chemicals.
To protect our eyes if glass breaks and may get in our eyes
If we are working with fire or dust, this prevents either from getting in our eyes
Then an apron Why do we wear aprons? See what the class says.
We wear aprons to protect our clothes
If we are working with harmful chemicals we do not want them to get on our clothes, we want to
leave them at school
We also need gloves on to protect our _______? Thats right to protect our hands.
Protect your hands from dangerous chemicals
Now, we are going to practice putting all of this stuff on. I will pass it all out and I want you to put in on
wherever it goes.
I will be walking around checking to see if they are putting it on correctly.
Great job you guys! You all got your safety equipment on properly!
Now, I want you to take this all off and place it on your desk. We are going to do one more thing.
I will gather all of the students and have them walk over to the sink. We will all take a turn turning on and off
the sink, looking at the difference of hot and cold water.
I will tell the students that we use the sink when we have yucky stuff on our hands that we need to
wash off.
The students will then put their hands in the container of pudding and practice washing their hands with soap
and water.
Once every student has finished washing their hands, we will review the different safety equipment that we
learned about today.
I will go around the room and ask several different students why we wear each piece of equipment.

Activity Analysis: (must support TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)
During this lesson, the students will do several different activities. The first activity that the students will do is a
worksheet to see what the students already know and or can figure out. This will give me a baseline for what the
students already know and what they need to learn yet. After the worksheet, we will review the PowerPoint of the
four different items that they need to wear and use and need to learn. Once we have reviewed the students will
practice putting the equipment on properly.
Another activity that we are going to do is putting our hands in chocolate pudding to make them really dirty so
that we can use the sink. The pudding will make the students thoroughly wash their hands, making sure that they are
all clean. We will pretend this is a harmful chemical and that you are not allowed to put this in your mouth and you
need to wash your hands fast and make sure that you are thorough.

Mrs. White
Olivia Shaffer

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

What goes with what?





Rev. 2013

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