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100 Years World War One

- New Insights to a Global Catastrophe The Memory of WWI has been eclipsed in the US by WWII. The Centennial of the
beginning of the War and especially the War Guilt question are widely debated in
Europe. This forum will discuss the various legacies of the war, including its
impact on Hawai'i and understanding contemporary political crises.
Please join us for an academic evening:
The New Debate About the Beginning of World War I and Contemporary Parallels
MANFRED HENNINGSEN, Professor of Political Science
Fountains of Mud and Iron - Environmental Legacies of the Great War
KIEKO MATTESON, Assistant Professor of History
World War I and the Germans In Hawai'i
NIKLAUS SCHWEIZER, Professor of German Language
and Literature
Musical Introduction by the

Royal Hawaiian Band

Time: Monday, November 24th, 5.30pm -8.30pm

Place: Kana'ina Building (Old Archives), Iolani Palace , Honolulu
Cost: Free
Refreshments provided Pup

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