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Falcon Flight Center

New Member Application


Date:_____/_____/ _____

Street Address:_______________________________________________________

. Membership Dues: $39/mo.
Zip Code:_______________________________________
Phone #:_________________________________.
Date of Birth:___________________________________
Place of Birth (Country):_______________________________
Please answer questions below:
Has your automobile driver's license ever been revoked?

YES_____ NO_____

Have you ever been arrested for opperating a motor vehicle under the influence?

YES_____ NO_____

If you are joining us as a student pilot, what normal days of the week and times are
convienent for you to fly with an instructor on a regular basis?


How did you hear about Falcon Flight Center?_____________________________________________________

Upon acceptance as a member to Falcon Flight Center, I agree to abide by the following terms and conditions:
I agree that if accepted as a member of Falcon Flight Center Inc., I will 1) abide by and accept all limitations
and liabilities as stated in the Operating Rules of Falcon Flight Center Inc. as ammended, and 2) pay all fees and fines
lawfully assesed by Falcon Flight Center Inc., including a $25 cancellation fee for all flights and lessons cancelled
within less than 48 hours of scheduled time, and a $50 "no-show" fee.

Previous $ on Acct.
Charges Today

Applicant Signature
CFI Signature

New Amount on Acct

Credit Card Information to be kept on file:

or keep minimum balance of $200 on account via check

CC#:_________-__________-__________-__________ Exp:____________ Code#:____________

Name on Card:_______________________________________ Billing Zip:____________________
Licensed Pilots Please complete reverse side.

Falcon Flight Center

New Member Application
To be filled out by all licensed pilots.

Certificate Type:______________________________

Cert #:________________________________

Ratings Held:__________________________________

Date of certificate issued:________________

Class and Date of Medical:_______________________

Flight Hours in last 90 days:_____________________
Flight Hours in last 6 months:___________________
Total Flight Hours:____________________________
Please provide details on any aircrafts accidents, incidents, or violations below, or mark none:

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