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INSTRUCTIONS: Use this form when writing your PDP.

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

PI-PDP-1 (Rev. 08-09)

Professional Development Plan (PDP) forms available at:

Educator Name

Educator Telephone Area/No.


Charity A. Baxter
Educator Address Street, City, State, Zip

Educator Fax Area/No.

(608) 348-5360

18795 Pleasant View Lane, Platteville, WI 53818

E-Mail Address

Educator File No.*
Educator School District

Platteville, WI
Current Educational Assignment

No. of Years in Current Assignment

Fourth Grade

Years of Educational Experience

Month/Year PDP Submitted for Goal Approval (Initial Educators Only)

Month/Year Plan Submitted for PDP Verification

November, 2010

November, 2010

*Educator file numbers may be found on the DPI Educator License lookup at:
Present Licensure Stage
Licensure Category
Date Current License Expires
Initial Educator


Professional Educator


Master Educator

Pupil Services



Step I: Preparing to Write the PlanREFLECTION

Reflect and prepare to write your PDP goal in Step II. While reflection is a required step in the PDP process, recording your
reflection below is optional.

Fourth grade classroom with 22 students. Each student has different talents and abilities. I will improve my abilities as an
educator through my PDP and successfully include each student.
Step II: Writing the PlanCOMPONENTS
A. Description of School and Teaching, Administrative, or Pupil Services Situation
The Platteville School District is in the city of Platteville, WI, which has a population of approximately 10,000. The district
has a rural feel to it due to such a small population and the agricultural makeup of the area. The school district includes city and
rural students. The mission of the Platteville school district is: . . . to empower individuals to become life-long learners who will
have the vision and skills to manage change and improve the world we share. . .. The enrollment of the Platteville school district
is approximately 1421 students and 221 staff. In our school, Neal Wilkins Elementary, we currently have about 320 students. The
makeup of the student body is approximately 90% White/Caucasian, 4% African American, 5% Mexican American, 1% Asian
American. 10% of the students are involved in the special education curriculum. 18% of the students are considered to be
economically disadvantaged. Don Shaw is the current Principal and I am currently a first year fourth grade teacher. There are 3
fourth grade classrooms and we all work together as a team to decide on our curriculum. Instructional support services include: 1
speech therapist, 1 physical therapist, 1 occupational therapist, 1 special education teacher and one adaptive physical education

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Review Checklist for Description of School Situation

Did you include a description of your teaching, pupil services, or administrative position?
Did you include the number of years you have taught, been an administrator, or been in pupil services?
Did you include whether the school is located in an urban, suburban, or rural setting?
Did you include the ethnic, special needs, and socioeconomic makeup of the school population?
Did you include your building goals/mission and/or district goals/mission?


Description of Goal to be Addressed

It is recommended that you use this stem: I will (research, study, learn, apply, etc.) So that (describe what you want to see
happening differently with student learning).

I will apply inclusion in my fourth grade classroom, so that each and every student has the same opportunities as their peers.
My professional growth will be impacted by the research that I will use in my classroom. My students will learn, at an early age,
that disabled persons have valuable contributions.
Review Checklist for Description of the Goal
Did you describe how your goal will impact your professional growth?
Did you describe how your professional growth will have an effect on student learning?


Rationale for the Goal: Links to Professional Situation and Wisconsin Educator Standards
Based on your reflection, describe the reason for your goal. Describe how your goal is linked to your educational situation, and
write out the Wisconsin Educator Standards (two or more) that you will focus on to meet your goal.

My school district implements inclusion in most classes. There is however, a special education teacher that students with
special needs may go to at times. As a fourth grade teacher I feel that I can be instrumental by including all students in every
subject that I teach. My major goal is to help establish an acceptance of everyone. The Wisconsin Educator Standards that my
goal addresses are: Standard 2 (development), Standard 3 (diversity) and Standard 7 (instructional planning).
Review Checklist for Rationale for the Goal
Does the rationale tell how your goal connects to your school, teaching, administrative, or pupil services situation? (Choose the
category that applies to your situation)
Did you write out the Wisconsin Educator Standards that you will focus on to meet your goal? (must select two or more)

D. Plan for Assessing and Documenting the Goal

Record the anticipated methods you will use to assess your professional growth and the effect on student learning. It may be
helpful to review steps III and IV when writing your assessment plan as they outline what is necessary when documenting your
completed plan.

I will have general education students pair up with inclusion students. I will encourage them to get to know each other both
in and out of the classroom. I will have the students keep a journal of their social relationships with their partner. This journal
will allow them to express their feelings both good and bad. I will review these with each student throughout the school year. I
in turn will keep a folder documenting the reviews and assess each partnership. Assessing my professional growth will happen
through observation notes, student reflections and communicating with my fellow fourth grade / special education staff.
Review Checklist for Plan for Assessing and Documenting Achievement of the Goal
Did you include in the plan the anticipated methods you will use to assess your professional growth?
Did you include in the plan the anticipated methods you will use to assess the effect on student learning?

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E. Plan to Meet the Goal: Objectives, Activities, Timeline, and Plan for Collaboration
Note: Completion dates will be filled in during Step III as each objective/activity is completed.

I will increase the level of inclusion in my classroom.




Date Completed

March 2011

I will give these books to

my fellow teachers to
read to their classroom


Throughout the school

I will read articles / books about people with

special needs.

Throughout each school


I will attend conferences regarding inclusion in

the classroom.
I will meet with school faculty regarding


I will improve my level of expertise regarding inclusion.




Date Completed

I will attend conferences/seminars /classes

regarding inclusion.

Summer 2011

I will research different levels of inclusion.

Spring and winter 2012

I will observe different classrooms and evaluate

their level of inclusion.

April 2011

I will partner with other

teachers in my school


I will use the knowledge that I have gained through seminars, classes, books and partnerships to create an atmosphere of
inclusion in my classroom.



Date Completed

I will attend different workshops on inclusion


Winter 2012

I will open my classroom for observation of

other teachers who want to increase their level
of inclusion

Throughout school year


My fellow teachers in
the school district


I will use inclusion to effect my students positively throughout their educatin.




Date Completed

I will observed the students in their sixth grade

environment to witness how inclusion has
afftected them.

Spring 2013

The sixth grade teachers

I will talk with the special education and also

the speech, occupational and physical therapists

Spring 2011-2013

The special education,

speech, occuptational

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to see if they have any comments.

and physical therapists.


I will be involved in a student's IEP.




Date Completed

Conferences with parents and teachers.

Ongoing throughout the

school year.

Fellow teachers and also


Talking with the parents to see if they are

satisfied with their child's inclusion in the

Ongoing throughout the

school year.


Review Checklist for Objectives, Activities, Timeline, and Plan for Collaboration
1. Objectives
Did you include objectives that directly address the goal?
Did you include objectives that are observable and verifiable?
2. Description of Activities and Timelines
Did you align your activities with your goal and objectives?
Did you extend the activities through multiple years of the licensure cycle?
Did you state a timeline for completing the activities?
3. Plan for Collaboration
Did you include collaboration with others in your plan?

Initial educators must submit Step II, A-E, to a PDP Team for Goal Approval.
Step III: Annual Review of the PDP
Annual reviews are done in years two, three, and four and will be submitted as part of your completed plan in the last year of your
licensure cycle.

Return to Step II E and enter completion dates for each activity completed.

Professional Educators must complete a five-year plan with three annual reviews.

Write a reflection in year two summarizing the progress made towards completing your goal.
Indicate, in your reflection, how you grew professionally and/or how your professional growth had an effect on student learning.
Write any revisions to your objectives or activities in the revision area.
Return to this step annually until your PDP is complete and ready to be submitted for verification.

Initial Educators may complete a 3, 4, or 5 year plan. One annual review is required for a three-year plan, two annual reviews are
required for a four-year plan, and three annual reviews are required for a five-year plan. If there is a substantial change to your GOAL,
you must complete and resubmit section II A-II E to a team for review and approval of the new goal.

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Reflection (Year 2)

Revision (if needed)


May, 2011

In March I attended an Inclusion in the Classroom conference in Madison,

WI. This conference was very helpful in reassuring my belief that
inclusion is important. In April I observed and evaluated the level of
inclusion in 3 other classrooms. This experience showed me that not all
classrooms are as focused on inclusion as mine is.
Reflection (Year 3)

Revision (if needed)


Fall, 2012

In October of 2012, I read the article Full InclusionThe Benefits and

Disadvantage of Inclusive Schooling. This article was a very interesting
article. It showed the many benefits, and also some of the disadvantages
of inclusion in the classroom.

Reflection (Year 4)

Revision (if needed)


Spring, 2013

I observed many of my past students to see how inclusion has affected

them. I collaborated with many of my fellow teachers to make an overall
assessment of inclusion.

Review Checklist for Annual Review

Did you include in your reflection how you grew professionally and/or how your professional growth had an effect on student
Did you include any revisions to your objectives or activities?
Did you fill in completion dates for activities? (refer to Step II E of your plan)

Step IV: Documentation of Completion of the PDP

Your PDP must include 3-5 pieces of evidence that document professional growth and the effect on student learning. Number and
label each piece of evidence (i.e., 1. Student test score analysis). You may use a single piece of evidence that focuses solely on
professional growth or the effect on student learning as long as your completed plan includes both types of documented evidence.
When attaching evidence, please include the number and label entered below.

A. Evidence of Professional Growth and the Impact of Professional Growth on Student Learning

Number and label each piece of evidence.

Indicate whether each piece of evidence documents professional growth, the effect on student learning, or both.
Describe each piece of evidence identifying what is documented and the relationship of the evidence to the goal.

1. Student journals. The student journals have been good documentation of the importance of inclusion in the classroom. This is
a good indicator of student learning. The journals are a good reflection of the goal of inclusion being implemented by the
increase of respect for all.
2. Feedback. The feedback that I received from my fellow teachers regarding the acceptance of the inclusion students in my
classroomnow versus when I first started my goal of inclusion was very positive. This shows both student and professional
growth. The noticeable change in the students observed by my fellow teachers, proves to me that my goal of inclusion is well
worth it.
3. Long term effect of students. The overwhelmingly positive outcome of inclusion is evidence of professional growth and proof
of student learning. The inclusion students have had a great impact and I have noticed that they have helped a majority of the
others become more accepting and very well rounded. I will continue to use inclusion and I hope that other teachers will
follow my lead.
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Review Checklist for Evidence of Completion of Your Plan
Did you provide three to five pieces of evidence?
Did you describe how your evidence documents your professional growth?
Did you describe how your evidence documents the effect on student learning?

B. Reflection and Summary

Describe how you grew professionally in the Wisconsin Educator Standards identified in your PDP.
Describe in detail the effect of your professional growth on student learning.
Describe how you collaborated with others while working on your PDP.

I believe that I have grown professionally in the Standards 2(Development), 3(Diversity), and 7(Instructional Planning). I learned
how to teach and include diverse learners through my lessons. I also developed instructional planning to plan and organize
lessons based on the individual of my students. Next, I embraced diversity. Some students need adaptation to the lessonbut
they can still be active in my classroom.
My collaboration with other teachers was very valuable. We had many discussions and I always felt like we could be open and
honest. The meetings were always professional. I also found that our collaboration gave us more insight into inclusion in the
My teaching will foster an inclusion environment. The continued monitoring of the students by observation for the past 3 years
has shown me that the use of inclusion in my classroom has helped nurture a more accepting environment for both the inclusion
and regular students. This has enabled the students to focus more on the educational subjects than on the differences that they
have with other people, because they are now used to having that type of environment.
Review Checklist for Summary and Reflection Statement
Did you describe how you grew professionally in the Wisconsin Educator standards identified in your plan?
Did you describe the effect of your professional growth on student learning?
Did you describe how you collaborated with others?

C. Submitting the Completed PDP for Plan Verification

Submit your completed PDP including your 3-5 pieces of labeled evidence to a PDP Team no later than
January 15 of the final year of the plan. If you are an Initial Educator, include a copy of your signed Goal
Approval Signature Form(s).

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