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good morning all.

I eka, I will present my presentation about "the utilization o

f waste bagasse as raw material for bio-ethanol". First of all, I will explain t
he background of the "utilization of waste bagasse as raw material for bio-ethan
ol". Nowadays, the world s demands for fossil fuels continuously increase, while t
he resource of petroleum continuously deplete. These case make some problem, the
y are polution and fuel scarcity. Further impact of the fuel scarcity is rising
of fuel prices. for that reason, we have to found alternative renewable fuels th
at are more economical and environmentally friendly. one of the alternatives is
bio-ethanol. bio-ethanol has several advantages over fossil fuels. The first, bi
o-ethanol is a renewable fuel for bio-ethanol which can be made from plants, eve
n bio-ethanol also can be made from residual waste of processing plants. besides
, bio-ethanol can be produced because the process is not too complicated and the
equipment required is simple. so, the production of bio-ethanol is more economi
cal than fossil fuels. and most importantly, bio-ethanol is more environmentally
friendly because it does not produce CO gas, SO, or NO. then, why bagasse watst
e is selected for raw material for bio-ethanol? because the bagasse contains hig
h carbohydrate. in addition, bagasse is easy to get from sugar processing residu
al, so it does not interfere food supplies. of course, it can add economic value
of bagasse. Other benefits are to reduce waste bagasse generated. process of ma
king bio-ethanol from bagasse through several stages. The first is the liquifica
tion process to break down starch (starch) into sugar. then, the complex sugars
are broken down into simple sugars by saccharification process. sugar is convert
ed into alcohol through fermentation. Furthermore, ethanol is distilled and puri
fied by dehydration. required to implement this idea implementation measures. Th
e first is working with the ministry of agriculture, sugarcane farmers and sugar
cane processing factories to obtain capital and waste bagasse required. in addi
tion, research is needed so that the production of bio-ethanol can be more effic
ient. Last, socialization and education are needed to. Thus the presentation of
me. apologize for any mistakes.

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