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Assignment 6 (Topics: Envi.

Policy Analysis, Industrial Ecology, Sustainable Development)

MOE 237 (Intro. to Environmental Management)
Due date: Oct. 5, 2013

1. Give the importance of environmental policy analysis. Present an example (from a web search) of

such importance.
2. (a) What is your impression about industrial ecology as shown in Fig. 1?

Fig. 1 (from

(b) Read the selected definitions of industrial ecology in Appendix B (last page), Industrial
Ecology: An Introduction. Formulate your own definition of industrial ecology based on
the selected definitions.

3. Write an article (around 1200 words) on how you may contribute to sustainable development
as an individual considering your water footprint assessment. Start your article by presenting a summary
of the article entitled Water Footprint Assessment (WFA) for better water governance and sustainable
development (WaterFootprint AssessmentForSD).
Making necessary assumptions, calculate your water footprint using this URL:
Present to class in 3 minutes the highlights of your article.

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