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Photoshoot planner


Chanel Parker-Hudd

Project title:

Personal invesigation

A level photography
Shoot/draft no:

Photo shoot 1

Your next steps from the previous shoot(s) how will you refine and develop your work?
My next steps into my previous shoot, is to make sure I am getting enough shoots done. I have so far done 1
experimental shoot and 1 main photoshoot. I would need to create more of a wide range of photoshoots creating
my technique to stand out more.
Description of aims and ideas for your shoot what do you want your photographs to communicate?
I want my photographs to communicate to people by showing the infrared technique and focusing on one main
piece of landscape.




Location notes permission, studio, booking, transport and weather

The location was in a field landscape in wick.

Photographer/artist inspiration
I was inspired by an artist called Peter Watson, he seems to focus on the types of landscapes. He dosent use
infrared but he does give me an idea of landscapes and the types of different points of views.
Techniques/processes you will use to achieve your aims
Setting the white balance,faster shutter speed bright sunny day.

Equipment notes
Camera, tripod and natural light.


Camera Yes Tripod Yes

Models No
Props No

Lighting Y/N?
Crew No

Camera checks:

Battery charged (the day before) Memory card Yes

File type Yes
Correct white balance Yes

He who fails to plan is planning to fail - Winston Churchill

ISO setting Yes

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