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Depending on the format and style that we are going to produce, I will need to
come up with interview techniques to gain answers, bearing in mind that the
quality of the interview format will depend on the questions that I will ask. The
questions that I will ask will display different effects and demand different
answers from the interviewees. The questions that I will ask will have to be
exceptional so that the answers can be exceptional as well and this will result in
more relevant information and intellectual conversation that will engage the
The question types that I will be looking forward to asking will be progress
from point to point, building bridges, open, funnelling and short,
single idea question.
A building bridges question is a type of a question that should arise naturally
from the previous answer. Building bridges is an effective question type
because it makes it seem as if, in a way, that the presenters are interested in
knowing more about the interviewee as they are listening to the answer and
following it up logically instead of just reading questions that was written on
paper. This also builds more questions which give answers to that which wasnt
demanded. By using building bridges, it shows that are focused as well and
interested in the subject matter. When this question type is used it usually shows
attentiveness and that the interviewer is actually paying attention to what the
interviewee is saying.
An open question is a type of a question that demands wide response due to the
use of how, why, what, where and when questions. Open questions are effective
because they propel the interview forward and yield solid facts and they give
you the opportunity to gained more information as opinions and interpretations
are asked. Funnelling is a type of question that becomes more restrictive and
limited. I would use this because of its advantage which is that you gain more
information but at the same time I should expect the question to become less
significance and eventually will become a closed question. Progress from
point to point are questions that maintains logic as each question naturally
succeed the previous one. There are certain ways of asking questions that I will
avoid such as closed questions, questions that call for monologues, double
questions, leading questions, statements posed as questions, questions that are
out of date, and ignorant questions.

Examples of Question Types

1. What is binge drinking?
2. How much unit of Alcohol is considered as too much?
3. If the government recommends that men and women should follow the lower risk
guidelines but individuals still do as they please. Why cant the government have a
much stricter rule?
4. Alcohol-related crime and social disorder is estimated to cost UK taxpayers 11bn per
year, at 2010/11 prices. How do you think this is perceived by the public? (Knowing
that alcohol is gradually being seen as one of the major causes of crime in urban
Britain today)
5. How can the consumption of too much alcohol be prevented?
6. Alcohol is a poison and can sometimes have lethal consequences. What are some of
the effects of Binge Drinking?
7. From 2007-2010, 20,000 under 18s were admitted to hospital in England as a result of
drinking alcohol. How do the under 18s have access to Alcohol?
8. Is it true that excessive drinking is more harmful than heroin or crack when the
overall dangers to the individual and society are considered?

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