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Introduction to


BRAC University
Group 5
Tabassum Akhter
Fariha Zafor Rima
Mohammad Ismail

Section 1
Date of Submission 9th April,

Marketing Plan: Walton Mobile

Letter of Transmittal
April 9th, 2014
Mr. Suntu Kumar Ghosh
Assistant Professor,
BRAC University.
With due respect, we are here to submit the following report on Walton Mobile Bangladesh
according to the instructions given by you.
After doing several secondary market research (information from websites, articles and a
thorough online research), we have been quite successful in collecting necessary background
information about Walton Mobile and, henceforth, design a suitable marketing plan. A survey
among the existing and prospective Walton Mobile users also helped us to understand the market
trend and the consumer behavior. The following report is the result of our findings and efforts.
We appreciate this opportunity to work under you.
Group 5
Tabassum Akhter - 13304131
Fariha Zafor Rima - 13304132
Mohammad Ismail - 13304022

Marketing Plan: Walton Mobile

Executive Summary

This report is prepared to analyze and audit the current marketing strategies and prepare a
marketing plan for Walton Mobile.

Our study revealed that in a continuously growing market, Walton Mobile has become a reliable
name for customers. Countrywide network, inclination towards quality and yet maintaining
affordability, and dedicate team of employees providing after sales service are the main causes of
its success.

Keeping in mind the consumer demand of different target market, Walton Mobile has build up its
product line. Since the consumer market is price sensitive, Walton Mobile has an approach of
demand/value based pricing, and charges lower prices compared to its competitors. It has also
adopted market penetration, product development and market development strategy for future
Further investigations have revealed that to achieve the role of market leader, it will face
challenge from foreign brands like Symphony. Yet, there are promising prospects of Walton in
its current position. Appropriate market plan and its effective implementation will help it expand
domestic and international markets in the future.

Marketing Plan: Walton Mobile

Table of Contents
Company/Product Profile
Consumer behavior
Types of Consumer Behavior
Steps in the consumer buying behavior
Segmentation, targeting and positioning strategy
Market segmentation
Target market strategies
Differentiation and positioning strategies
Product Strategy
Level of product
Types of consumer product
Branding strategies
Pricing strategy
Pricing method
Pricing Strategy
Distribution or Location Strategy
Level of Distribution Channel
Distribution or Marketing Channel system
Recommendation and Suggestion
Budget, timing and control
Contingency plan

Marketing Plan: Walton Mobile

The mobile phone has become an essential part of Bangladeshs customers everyday life and has
made a safe haven in one of our pockets much like our wallet that we never want to leave at
home while we head for our work. This is the dominant device that we now express ourselves
through, get our work done and share our pains and pleasures with. Though, the introduction of
telecommunication industry has been pretty late in our country compared to that of the
neighboring countries, the introduction of Citycell and GrameenPhones GSM technology has
created a boom in the cellphone industry of Bangladesh since 1997. Now a number of players,
both international like Nokia, Samsung, Sony as well as local companies like Walton Mobile and
MyOne, are battling very hard for their respective market share and the consumers.

Company/Product Profile
Walton Mobile in an elegant line of mobile phone handsets, owned by the Walton Hi-tech
Industries Ltd (Walton HIL). Found and established by S.M. Nazrul Islam in 1977, Walton HIL
has its production and assembly facilities in Bangladesh, and serves the local as well as the
international market. It is the sister concern of the R.B. Group and has its factory located in
Chandra, Gazipur. Walton is the pioneer of Refrigerator, Freezer, Air Conditioner and
Motorcycle Manufacturing Technology in Bangladesh. The company desires to provide the latest
technology based products with innovative design, excellent quality and many different models
& capacities. The product line of WALTON brand are different types of Television (CRT, LCD,
LED), DVD Player, Motorcycle, Refrigerator & Freezer, Microwave Oven, Steam Oven,
Domestic and Industrial Generator, Manganese & Alkaline Battery, Air conditioner and various
types of necessary and useful home appliances etc. Walton HIL is furnished with strong
Research & Development (R&D) Division comprising of a large team of dedicated highly skilled
engineers & technical personnel from home and abroad.
Waltons vision is Amader Ponno that means Walton ltd. is always there to help the customers
get the full assistance of communications services in their daily lives. They want to make it
simpler for the customers to get what and when they want it, and as an implementation of that

Marketing Plan: Walton Mobile

vision they are setting up many showrooms in different parts of the country. And the objective is
to emerge as a global electrical and electronics brand by introducing Made in Bangladesh
products worldwide and establish Bangladesh as an industrialized nation. With the slogan of
Walton Mobile at every hand, Walton aims in providing unquestionable quality, longer
durability and eye-popping style at a very affordable price.

Consumer Behavior
Types of Consumer Behavior:
Behavior is the decision processes and acts of people involved in buying and using products. The
process consumers use to buy products and services is different for every individual and every
category of product. Based on the degree of involvement and the degree of difference between
the brands in the product category, there are four types of Buying Behavior:

The cell phone industry is broad and includes a wide range of models having number of features
and applications to be used. Based on the product category and the uniqueness of brands of cell
phones, we can classify the buying decision behavior into two types

Marketing Plan: Walton Mobile

Dissonance-Reducing Buying Behavior- Consumers with dissonance-reducing buying behavior

have high amounts of involvement in buying mobile phones. However, buyers in this behavioral
situation are perceiving very few differences among the brands of cosmetics they are selecting
products from. The key word here is perceiving. There may be many real differences between
the different brands, however the buyer's beliefs about the other brands are that there are very
similar or essentially the same. Such as, costumers are unlikely to distinguish the difference
between android phone of Symphony and Walton android phone, and may therefore suffer from
post-purchase dissonance behavior. When softwares or operating systems of handsets are same,
then customers perceive fewer differences in the brands, however they do get heavily involved
while buying a phone due to high price, and thus the greater amount of risk associated.

Variety Seeking Behavior- In addition to complex and dissonance-reducing buying behavior,

consumers in cell phone industry may also show variety seeking buying behavior. It refers to
situations where there is low consumer involvement, but the consumer perceives significant
differences between the brand options in front of them. In variety seeking situations consumers
tend to do a lot of brand switching. There is no real brand loyalty, and seeking varieties in the
product is the main motivation of consumers. Examples of such cell phone product category may
include different features and different or stylish model/ design of different cell phones. For
instance, Samsung is producing varied color range in cell phones for their different category
Steps in Consumer Buying Behavior:
Consumer behavior involves the psychological processes that consumers go through in
recognizing needs, finding ways to solve these needs, making purchase decisions (e.g., whether
or not to purchase a product and, if so, which brand and where), interpret information, make
plans, and implement these plans (e.g., by engaging in comparison shopping or actually
purchasing a product) All the psychological perceiving of the marketing of a product plays an
important role in the actual buying decision of the consumers. To efficiently and adeptly attend
the customers need for any product, the general buying process requires be keenly observing

Marketing Plan: Walton Mobile

and working out. Marketing scholars have developed a five stage buying processes. A
consumer typically undergoes this process before buying a product.
Need recognition: The buying process starts the very moment a need or problem is recognized
by a consumer. A need or problem can be stimulated by external factors or triggered by internal
factors. A marketer requires to study the different ways by which need for a particular product
may arise. By doing so, they can easily counter the consumers need and solve their problem
through their product. In case of buying mobile phones, need may arise in two ways:

Internal factors- Consumers can face basic need to communicate because of the following

When their older mobile phone is broken, distorted or defaced.

If the need new features in their phones to cope up with the new generation.
If their life style or status changes, for example a student getting into an
university and needs to communicate with his friends or family at any time of the

External factors- The consumers can be influenced to buy cosmetics or external need can
be generated by:

Getting exposed to advertisements , extensive promotions or promotional



Peer pressure, leading an influential college/institution live

Getting inclined towards android applications or windows8 software.

Information Search: After the need or problem recognition, the consumers tend to search for

Personal- This includes family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances

Commercial- Consumers get consciously or unconsciously informed by and may learn

about a mobile phone through advertisements, billboard slogans, and their official
internet site or social sites also may educate the consumers about the cosmetic.

Public- Customers can collect information from magazines, films, AVs of experts.

Marketing Plan: Walton Mobile

Experiential- Examining any particular model of cell phone in Waltons or any other
companys showroom or in the retail shops and judge to know more real information
about the mobile phone.

Evaluation of Alternatives: After collecting all the information gathered, consumers will then
evaluate all the pros and cons of the alternatives under different criteria:

Quality- Judge on which brands product is of better quality and also satisfies their
priorities or need.

Durability- Think about which product will last longer in a much comparative price. For
example, they may think whether a particular cell phone can be used for a long time and
is of relative price.

Price- Price is the most crucial factor that a consumer always keep in mind while buying
a product, that is it too expensive or cheap or whether is it worthy of the brand value.

Image and features- If the product is well known or reputed and has attractive solutions to
their problems, then the consumers give that product more preference.

Extra facilities- The consumers will also see if the cosmetics brand provides extra
facilities of after sale services, guarantee cards, or provides any attractive offers like free
screen protector or phone covers.

Purchase decision: Can be of two types:

Attitude of others- A persons favorable or unfavorable evaluations, emotional feelings

and action tendencies toward some subjects or products. The quality of customer service,
sales persons behavior or knowledge on the product he is selling, and comfort ability of
shopping atmosphere leaves an impact on the purchase decision.

Unexpected factors- A sudden change in life style or income status due to loss of job or a
job promotion. For example, if the consumer loses her job, she might switch to less
expensive mobile phones.

Post purchase decision- Can be of two types:

Satisfied- The recognized problem is solved after the purchase of the cosmetic. It leads to
repetitive buying, spread positive image of the company.


Marketing Plan: Walton Mobile

Unsatisfied- Not being happy about the purchase as it could not fully satisfy the stimulated need.
It ends up portraying a negative impact on the consumers and thus on the overall market, also the
consumers lose their trust on that brand.

Segmentation, targeting and positioning strategy

Market Segmentation:
Segmentation is one of the most important factors of strategic marketing. Market segmentation is
one of the steps that go into defining and targeting specific markets. It is the process of dividing
a market into a distinct group of buyers that require different products or marketing mixes.
Markets can be segmented or targeted using a variety of factor. The bases for segmenting
consumer markets include:
Demographical bases (age, family size, life cycle, occupation)
Geographical bases (states, regions, countries)
Behavior bases (product knowledge, usage, attitudes, responses)
Psychographic bases (lifestyle, values, personality)
The total targeted population for Walton Mobile is around 10 million users, and it mainly
segments its target market on Demographic bases, as shown below


Age Group

Income Group


Adult/ Working


Low- Income

Middle Income

Above 50
Years Old

Mostly in
between 30-50
years old

Between 18-30
years old

Uses mobile
phone as a basic
need for

Look for the best

deal in the most
affordable prices

Prefer simple
phones with
basic features
like phone
calls and

Prefers a balance
feature and
simplicity in

video etc. )

Very price

Mostly price


Marketing Plan: Walton Mobile

Target Market Strategies:

On the basis of the Market Segmentation shown above, Walton Mobile follows a Differentiated
Marketing strategy, where it produces different product for different groups of costumers. The
following diagram illustrates the market segments and differentiated products offered by Walton
Mobile for each of the market segment


Walton L
Walton T
Walton Q


Walton B


Differentiation and Positioning Strategies:

Product Positioning is the way the product is defined by the consumers on important attributes. It
is the place the product occupies in consumers minds relative to the competing products. A firm
can differentiate its products and create its desired positioning using the following strategies:

Product Differentiation

Service Differentiation

People/Employee Differentiation

Channel Differentiation


Marketing Plan: Walton Mobile

Image Differentiation

The Walton Mobile aims at differentiating its products from its competitors using the following
Product Differentiation:

Form/Shape Walton introduces sleeker, thinner and lighter phone range, making it
handy for the customers to carry as well as giving them an upmarket and standard

Features - Fast and powerful Processor, coupled with the latest Android operating system
and a variety of services and functions are offered by Walton in their latest Primo series.

Service Differentiation:

Maintenance and Repair Service - Walton provides an adept after sales service team. In
fact it is the biggest after sales servicing network in Bangladesh. Walton Mobile owns
forty-three after sales servicing points all over Bangladesh, which are ever so alive to
solve the tiniest problem also. Walton equally values its sales and after sales service for
maintaining a long and positive relation with its customer and thus retain and increase the

Channel Differentiation:

Walton Mobile is being made available in individual retail outlets (along with other
competitor brands) as well as in Walton Plazas (own showroom) and countrywide
dealers, enabling the product to have an increased coverage and wider distribution

Image Differentiation:

Logo Established in 1977, the logo of Walton HIL is very well known among all
groups of consumers, and has its reputation earned as an affordable and good quality
provider of products. The logo, therefore, allows Walton Mobile to differentiate easily
from its competitors.


Marketing Plan: Walton Mobile

Slogan The slogan of Walton Mobile at every hand is easy to remember, catchy and
very widely publicized in order to demonstrate the vision of the company and create an
affordable image in the target markets minds.

Product Strategy
Level of product:
Branding is an established source for sustaining the competitive advantage in the marketplace.
According to Kotler (2010) brand and design are the parts of the products actual element.
There are three levels for a product/service as shown by the diagram:

The Core Product is the benefit of the product that makes it valuable to the consumers.
According to Kotler (2010) the core product addresses the question what is the buyer really
buying. So for cell phones, the core product could be the need for communication, or
entertainment or information.


Marketing Plan: Walton Mobile

The Actual Product - is the tangible, physical product which is required to get the core product.
At actual level the support for Walton Mobile comes through design, aesthetics, brand and

The Augmented Product - is the non-physical part of the product. It usually consists of lots of
added value, for which you may or may not pay a premium. It is an issue after developing a
dependable core layer and actual layer, and to remain competitive in the market, a marketer
should focus more on providing augmented products. Walton Mobile provides augmented
services such as its customer care service, warranty, latest software installation services etc.

Types of Consumer Products

Consumer products are the products used by the final consumers for personal use. Consumer
products and services can be categorized in a number of ways:

1. Convenience offerings
2. Shopping offerings
3. Specialty offerings
4. Unsought offerings

For Walton Mobile, which has many different competitors providing more or less equal features
and facilities to the customers, the consumer product could be classified as Shopping Product,
where the consumers carefully compare on suitable price, quality and style. Also, the level of
involvement is high among the consumers for the purchase of Walton Mobile because the price
is higher than the convenience products. It, therefore, becomes very vital for the marketers of
Walton Mobile to provide information through advertising, along with keeping an ideal balance
between affordability and quality.


Marketing Plan: Walton Mobile

Branding Strategies:
A branding strategy helps establish a product within the market and to build a brand that will
grow and mature in a saturated marketplace. Making smart branding decisions up front is crucial
since a company may have to live with the decision for a long time. There are basically four
brand development strategies, which are illustrated below:

Walton Mobiles follow the Line Extension strategy in order to develop its brand, by launching
a new, slightly different item in the same product category such as Walton L, Q and T series
cellphones. The strategy helps Walton Mobile reduce risks associated with new product
development. Due to the established success of the parent brand, consumers will have instant
recognition of the product name and will be more likely to try the new line extension. As a result,
promotional costs are much lower for a line extension than for a completely new product.
However, Walton Mobile itself is a Brand Extension of its parent company Walton HIL, and the
already established reputation of its parent company enables the new brand extension grab
market share at a quicker pace.

Pricing Strategy
Pricing Method:
Current Pricing Method: Price is the only element in the marketing mix that produces revenue,
while all other elements represent costs. Price is also one of the most flexible marketing mix
elements. Pricing is the number one problem facing by most of the companies. Prior to that, it is


Marketing Plan: Walton Mobile

really important to focus on pricing and come up with a pricing strategy that helps the company
to set the highest position. Walton is a Bangladeshi company. Mobile phones of Walton are now
very updated and they are trying to give the best quality. There are different types of pricing.
Such as- cost based or cost plus pricing, demand or value based pricing, and competition based
pricing. From these pricing Walton mobile company is currently following the Value or
demand based pricing. When the product price is determined based on the demand it is
considered as the value based pricing. Here, the customer expectation is the vital point. If the
customers give more value to the product then the price would be high. It depends on the value
or the demand of the product. Mobile phones are one of the basic necessities of people for
communication. In todays world people not only want to communicate through phone calls but
also use Internet & 3G calls. Customer always keeps these factors in their mind. In addition to
that, Walton is designing their phones according to the customers expectation. They are
focusing on the features & quality of the mobile while making the mobile phones. When Walton
will be able to satisfy the customer expectations they will give more value to the product. Value
based pricing is more customer driven. In this way, Walton is applying the value based or
demand based pricing.

Pricing Strategy:
There are many ways to price a product. Marketers mainly follow four types of pricing
strategies. They are

New product pricing strategies

Product mix pricing strategies

Price adjustment pricing strategies

Price changes pricing strategies

Walton mobile is following the New product pricing strategies. It is a new company in the
electronics sectors, so they have to follow the new product pricing strategies. Under new product
pricing strategies there are two factors. They are

Market skimming pricing

Market penetration pricing


Marketing Plan: Walton Mobile

As Walton mobile wants to create a new market segment of its own they are going for market
penetration pricing rather than market skimming pricing. The price charged for products and
services is set artificially low in order to gain market share. Their objective is to increase sale,
enter in the new market, increase market share. Here, marketers set the lowest or minimum price
for the services. Once this achieved, the price is increased. They are also giving high quality
within a low price.
Market penetration pricing is appropriate in two conditions. They are

Marketers should be price sensitive- As different brands of cell phones are available in
the Bangladesh market, this market is price sensitive. Almost all the mobile phone
industries are today competing to grab as much market share as possible, thus they opt to
charge low price to allow the demand law: the lower the price the higher the demand.
Therefore, Walton tries to provide their phones at a low price with equal quality as their

When the sells will increase, the production cost or distribution cost will decrease

These are the pricing strategies of Walton mobile Bangladesh.

Product Mix Pricing Strategy: Walton mobile company also follows the product mix pricing
strategy. Such as they are giving Optional product pricing. When a customer buys any mobile
they will provide some extra accessories or optional products to use with the main product. For
instance, they are offering flip cover of varied designs and colors for almost every mobile model.
Also if the headphones of the mobile get damaged then the customer can get another one from
their showroom.

Distribution or Location Strategy

Distribution Channel:
Distribution or set of intermediaries is to pass finished or semi-finished goods from producers to
the final consumer. A distribution channel can include wholesalers, retailers, distributors and
even the Internet. Channels are broken into direct and indirect forms, with a "direct" channel or
zero level channel allowing the consumer to buy the good from the manufacturer and an
"indirect" channel or one/multi level channel allowing the consumer to buy the good from a


Marketing Plan: Walton Mobile

wholesaler or through a channel of distribution. Walton has a countrywide retail sales outlets and
service points network. Therefore, it can be deduced that Walton uses a one level channel
distribution as Walton is well established in the native country and thus utilises its years of
endowment and experience. Walton cell phone uses a number of their own retail shops (Walton
Plazas) with specialized and knowledgeable sales persons. Walton Mobile owns forty-three after
sales servicing points all over Bangladesh, which are ever so alive to solve the tiniest problem
also. It also has a number of distributors who make sure Walton is present in as many
independent retail shops as possible to succeed on their motto Walton at every hand. Walton
has a total of 442 exclusive distributors from the companys 18 zones across the country, out of
which 64 were rewarded as best distributors.

Distribution or Marketing channel systems:

In cases where a marketer utilizes more than one distribution design, then the marketer is
following a multi-channel or hybrid distribution system. As we discussed earlier in this report,
Walton undertakes both independent channels (conventional distribution system) and dependent
channels (vertical distribution system) for their product to reach to its final consumers. Walton
has authorized distributors who distribute the cell phones to retailers and then the retailers hand
the products to the end consumers. On the other hand, it also uses its own Walton showrooms
where they deliver their product directly from their production place to sell it to the consumers
through its own experienced and satisfactory way.
The distribution channel system is illustrated below:




Final Consumer
(Walton Plazas)


Marketing Plan: Walton Mobile

Number of intermediaries:
Many producers do not sell products or services directly to consumers but instead use marketing
intermediaries to execute an array of necessary functions to get the product to the final consumer.
These intermediaries, such as middlemen (wholesalers, retailers, agents, and brokers),
distributors, typically develop a firm committal bond that builds in the one channel or multi
channel marketing chain. The marketing intermediaries are:


Intensive distribution

2. Selective distribution
3. Exclusive distribution

Walton Hi-tech Industry limited uses selective distribution, which is in between intensive and
exclusive distribution. Selective distribution involves more than one but less than mass
distribution. As mentioned above in the report that Waltons cell phones are a shopping product
and thus, the most appropriate way to elevate Waltons cell phones in the existing Bangladeshi
market is to have selective capable distributors to acknowledge the market requirement for their
products and make the products availability convenient for the consumers. For example, Dhaka
is a densely populated district of Bangladesh and thus need large number of shops to have
Walton products, that is enough products is accessible already in the market for the potential

Recommendation and Suggestion

Predatory Pricing: As competition is already in place due to the penetration on foreign

market(s) like Sony, Samsung; to be more precise Symphony, My One which are
Waltons main competitors, Walton should always keep the price low. Here, Walton
should follow predatory pricing, where a price is set below the production cost. If
such a step is taken then it would drive competitors like My One and Symphony out of
the market, since they are foreign they cannot survive by charging such a low price as
heavy transportation costs, custom tax are involved. Therefore Walton being a home


Marketing Plan: Walton Mobile

brand does not have to bear such costs. However, in the short sun they will make loss, but
in the long run when competitors are driven out, as well as barriers to entry has been
created, it is going to benefit Walton, as they can then be monopoly.

Change in Attitude: Walton is giving everything whatever Samsung, Sony are giving but
at a much lower price which can be affordable by people from any socio economic
background. However, its competitors like Symphony or My One are also doing the
same. Therefore Walton needs to do things differently. They need to make people
believe, that they will not only going to give what their competitors are giving, but they
are going to give them something different or do things differently. For this, Walton
needs to heavily invest in research and development. They should add features which
Sony or Samsung hasnt provided it, make the phones look more thin and attractive,
however, keeping a low price.

Advertisement: Walton is a home based product, therefore its cost decreases in many
ways. Therefore Walton can spend a lot on advertisement. They can do pioneer
advertisement, under which they should only make people aware of their availability.
Then, comparative advertisement, under which they can compare their product with
competitors products. Then, competitive advertisement, under which the will only
highlight the product benefits.

Independency: One of the drawbacks is, it is dependent on imported raw materials,

which increases the cost. Therefore, it somehow can manage to reduce imports and rely
on home based raw materials, then it can increase the sales even more by reducing the
price and they will also be benefit from economies of scale.

Further Segmentation: Market for Wanton mobile phones, should be segmented even
farther, for example, different mobiles for boys and girls. Even though, this is a risky
theory, however, if the segmentation were as per customer requirement, it would be very


Marketing Plan: Walton Mobile

Budget, timing and control

As per, Walton is offering good features and low rate mobile phones , they should make a
budget that more applicable for making profit. For example, if they want to make a approximate
profit of phones around2.5 lacs per month in terms of having a good sales of 500000, they need
to adjust their budget . They can spend approximately 100000 for advertisement as it will
increase the demand of their phone compare to Symphony and My One. Then, they can spend
20000 for web site, 15000 for printed materials and they can hire sales person for 10000 to
15000 per sales person for good sell. Now, it will be more clear by observing the below table:
Printed materials
Total Expense
Total Profit per month


By observing the above table it can be said that if Walton spends 250000 taka per month for
their expenditures , their total cost per year would be 3000000 taka . Therefore, their sales must
be increased every month otherwise they will not be able to have profit after this kind of

Contingency plan:
As per recommendation, they should set their cost lower than production cost so that sales
increases. Now, if this plan does not work in terms of gaining profit, they can increase their
budget range for some times or they can go reducing expenditure in a proper manner. Then, it is
said that they should go for comparative advertisement but as back plan they should also try to
highlight their service, their quality and their market strategy so that if one fails another works.


Marketing Plan: Walton Mobile

Conclusively, we can say, Walton Mobile has build reputation for redefining Bangladesh from
being a consumer country to producer country for mobile phones, which gives the company a
strong edge to increase its market share in the industry. Despite having strong competitors like
Symphony and MyOne, Walton Mobile is moderately successful in getting customers attention
and grabbing the market share. It is in its growth stage and has great scope for further growth and
brand development. Appropriate strategic, tactical and operational plans at all levels of the
organization along with proper flow of financial resources will, therefore, become vital for
Walton Mobile to achieve all the objectives and recommendations provided in this marketing


Walton BD Home page

Walton Bangladesh: A Brief History

Walton leaves Samsung behind

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