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The Robert and Mary Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center

Mid-Semester Teaching Assessment Interview Feedback from Class

conducted for Kirk Vander Molen
Tuesday, February 25
Conducted by:
Dana Munk, Ph.D., Director, Part-time Faculty Support Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center
Setting and Questions:
Dr. Munk visited the class and interviewed the students as a group for twenty minutes at the
beginning of the class. The teaching professor, Kirk Vander Molen, was not in the room. Dr.
Munk posed two questions to the students and facilitated discussion. The questions were:
1) What helps you learn?
2) What changes can be made to assist you in learning?
After synthesizing the responses, Dr. Munk met with Kirk Vander Molen outside of class to review
and process the feedback. Dr. Munks student feedback bullet points were:
Major Strengths/what helps you learn:

Videos highlighting interviewing clips

Discussion open conversation
Role plays
Professor is approachable
Gives real life examples
Gives helpful handouts
Voice over powerpoint [class was cancelled due to weather recorded voice over
powerpoint and emailed it to students]
Knowledge of textbook
Quizzes over tests with various forms of questions

Changes you make to assist you in learning?

Elaborate more in email responses (not majority)

More instructor feedback during group practice more specifics during role play/practice
interviewing. More constructive criticism vs. general good job.
Possibly more role play
Return papers/quizzes in timely manner (although school cancellations probably have
something to do with this)

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