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What is Mathematics?

Mathematics is all around us, continually evolving with research and explorations of new
methodologies. Mathematics are the connectors to the world we live in and without them we
would be unable to function as a society by respecting the past, living in the moment and
challenging the outcomes of the future. !

Math is used by everyone we wake up in the morning and think mathematically and
throughout the day without even acknowledging our movements and thoughts we are using
logic, problem solving, communications, reflecting, strategies, reasoning and computational
skills. The developmental phases in which we complete these tasks are therefore depicted by
the individual and where they have conceptualized mathematical concepts. !

Mathematics in the classroom is empirical to learning new concepts, building foundations for
future careers and finding a way to explore through a variety of methods. Mathematics is used
as a way to communicate with each other; interconnected to literacy. !

The Ontario Curriculum outlines seven mathematical processes that are used to create, teach
and assess student learning within each grade level. These processes are intertwined
throughout the classroom, our everyday lives and help develop the belief systems we use
throughout our learning journey. Problem Solving, Reasoning and proving, Reflecting, Tools and
Computational Strategies, Representing and Communicating all reinforce each math strand
being taught in our schools.!

Math has been a part of our rich history through which we would not be here today had we not
made discoveries and developed theories to lead us into the future. We use math in the present
through our daily lives and will all be a part of the theories that will shape our future in a
mathematical context. !

Mathematics is!

the toddler stacking blocks!

grandma baking her scrumptious pie !
the DJ developing beats!
the runner pacing during a race!
the cashier giving the customer change!
the children in the schoolyard plain hopscotch!
hockey :)!
the house being built down the street

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