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Recruitment and Selection Strategies Recommendations

Recruitment and Selection Strategies Recommendations

Angie Forrisi
HRM/531 Human Capital Management
September 8th 2014
Carol Willett

Recruitment and Selection Strategies Recommendations

Management often measures recruitment and selection strategies by using a common

method based on the applicants background alone. However, it is important that management
recruit the most qualified, well rounded candidates who not only have the experience but will
also carry out a good work relationship and maintain the integrity of the company. Planning the
recruitment strategy is important for all new businesses. The first step consists of managing
applicants and welcoming potential participants (Cascio, 2013). To attract highly experienced
employees, Landslide Limousines services must carefully develop an efficient recruitment plan.
This paper will contain the appropriate recruitment and selection strategies that will help to bring
in the best candidates.

Organizational Goals

In past communications, the client specified that Landslide Limousine requires 25

employees, with revenue in the first year of $50,000, and an expected yearly revenue growth of
5%. Expecting annual turnover of 10%, maintaining an expected yearly revenue growth of 5%
can become challenging. By selecting the most qualified candidates will assist the organization
in reaching those goals and offering quality services to clients. It will also add value to the
organization in the future.

The Effects of Organizational Diversity on the Organization

In todays society with various changes occurring in demographics because of

globalization, it is important to focus on a more diversity in the workplace. Managing a more

Recruitment and Selection Strategies Recommendations

diverse workplace may cause challenges however, it will benefit the company by offering the
opportunity to obtain and influence potential employees. With the proper recruitment and
selection strategies, Landslide Limousine Services can compete with other competitors by
providing customers with quality service. It is recommended for the company to hire the most
competent candidates as well as offer a reward and compensation plan to award the organizations
most talented employees. With the proper recruitment and selection strategies and a reward and
compensation plan, Landslide Limousines Services can achieve the challenges involved in
managing workplace diversity.

Laws to consider for recruitment and selection

It is important to consider the laws for recruitment and selection. Understanding laws passed
to protect the rights of people in the workplace are an important part of running a successful
business. Being able to adapt to a changing society in which the laws are passed to help all to
have equal opportunities, is vital to continued growth. Some of these laws consist of the

Civil Rights Act of 1964; this law is a federal law that prohibits discrimination based on
religion, color, race, disability, age, sex or national origin. This law is particularly
applicable to workplaces employing more than 15 people (EEOC, 2014).

Recruitment and Selection Strategies Recommendations

Age Discrimination in Employment Act; prohibits employers to discriminate based on

age. Both private and public employers need to adhere to the provisions of the law which
calls for eliminating discrimination of employees above the age of forty (EEOC, 2014).

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1975; this act prohibits refusal to employ pregnant
female employees (EEOC, 2014).

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; prohibit employer to discriminate based on
disability. (EEOC, 2014).

Organizational Branding

As a small business owner, it is important to first create awareness, by advising current

employees to spread the news about the company friends and family. Employees can also use the
employee referral system to help the company in seeking experienced and qualified applicants.
This will help the company in generating job satisfaction and a culture in which employees feel
valued and trusted. The company can also accomplish two highly important objectives by caring
for the current employees concerns and desire for promotion. These objectives consist of
forming a high-quality learning environment and choosing individuals for current opening in
various divisions within the organization (Cascio, 2013).

The most important stage of developing a successful limousine service consists of

managing the selection of drivers and hiring chauffeurs. These positions represent the face of the

Recruitment and Selection Strategies Recommendations

company. Customer service is very key and vital in these positions, as they type of service the
customer receives will determine their continued business and longevity with the company. With
this, it is important for the management teams to focus on the selecting, hiring, and retaining the
organizations valued resources. It is also important that the organization abide by the
organizations local and state laws and regulations. Not following the companys proper
employment practices can cause harm to the organization as well as the client.

When selecting a chauffeur, management must create job ethics and standards. It is
important these standards are followed by each applicant applying for the chauffeur position. The
next step is to develop a job description. Developing a job description will ensure that each
applicant is aware of the jobs responsibilities and expectations associated with the position.
Properly developing strong job responsibilities will also assist in disciplining chauffeurs who are
not performing efficiently.

Upon offering the chauffeur position it is important to give each applicant a copy or
the job description. The next step in recruitment is to prepare a job application form. This will
ensure that the correct information is provided to the applicants in regard to the working in the
limousine business. The final step in the recruitment process is developing a limousine driver
training and employee placement package. The training and placement package will assist in
helping management and employee to move forward after the hiring process is complete.


Recruitment and Selection Strategies Recommendations

After applicants have submitted his or her application and each application is carefully
reviewed, a formal interview should follow for qualified candidates. Conducting formal
interviews are important because it will assist the hiring manager and the applicant the
opportunity to evaluate the positions working conditions. According to Cascio (2013), when
conducting the proper interview it is important to follow the following steps:

Have a comprehensive list of questions to ask applicant in a flexible method.

Prepare for the interview and select a designated time in a quiet location.

Pay close attention to applicants and listen to his or he answers with an opened mind.

It is important to avoid interruptions and answering the phone when conducting a formal
interview. It is also important to avoid making promises to potential applicants
including promising applicants that someone will contact them with the results. If promised it is
proper to do so to avoid misrepresenting or misleading the applicant. In addition to conducting a
proper interview it is necessary to evaluate appearance, character, communication, intellect,
education, knowledge, talents and potential for furthering his or her development and

Selecting Candidates

Recruitment and Selection Strategies Recommendations

After the interview process, potential employees would move on the next step which
would consist of forming an analysis to include information gathered in the formal interview as
well as each potential applicant driving skills, background check, and a review of his or her
motor vehicle records if applicable. This will assist in providing adequate information on each
applicant and help in selecting the correct candidates for the job.


Selecting the correct candidate is an important strategy for Landslide Limousine.

Although some applicants have an adequate work history, it is important that management recruit
the most qualified, well rounded candidates who not only have the experience but will also carry
out a good work relationship, maintain the integrity of the company and have the right attitude.
The probabilities of a business's accomplishing its goals and objective increases when hiring
managers hire individuals who have a respectable attitude and are easily motivated. It is easy to
train an employees for excellent; however, it is impossible to train an employee how to have a
respectable attitude and motivation (Cascio, 2013).

Recruitment and Selection Strategies Recommendations

Cascio, W. F. (2013). Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits
(9th ed.)
Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/IrwinEEOC (2014). Discrimination by Type, retrieved

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