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Pollution Test
Answer each question below with one word or number
1. How many trash cans are below? 2

2. What type of pollution is below? water

3. What type of pollution is below? air

4. What type of pollution is shown below? land

5. How many recyclable soda cans are shown below? 2

True or False: Circle True or False to answer each statement

6. Pollution is good for our environment
True or False
7. Recycling is a great way to help keep our environment clean
True or False
8. Littering is harmful for humans and animals
True or False
9. Soda cans can be recycled
True or False
10. Water cannot be polluted
True or False

Multiple Select Questions: Circle all answers that may apply

11. The 3 types of pollution are:

A. air
B. water
C. land
D. cloud

12. The 3 Rs are:

A. Reuse
B. Recycle
C. Rapid
D. Reduce
13. Pollution harms
A. Humans
B. Trains
C. Cars

D. Animals
14. You can recycle
A. Glass
B. Food
C. Paper
D. Erasers
15. People are harmed by
A. Air pollution
B. Water pollution
C. Land pollution
D. Recycling
16. Oil spills are which types of pollution
A. Plastic
B. Water
C. Land
D. Table
17. The items you can recycle or reuse are
A. Paper
B. Glass bottles
C. Candy wrappers
D. Used tissues
18. Recycling an old pair of shoes would be
A. Giving them to your younger sister
B. Letting your dog chew them
C. Donating them to people in need
D. Throwing them in the garbage
19. Who can help keep our environment clean
A. No one
B. Your friends
C. Your classmates
D. You and your family
20. Water pollution is
A. Garbage in the water
B. Oil in the water
C. Fish in the water

D. Plants in the water

Multiple Choice Questions: Circle the one best answer for each
21. Throwing trash out of your car window is
A. Littering
B. Recycling
C. Reusing
D. Throwing away your trash
22. Pollution is
A. When the Earth is cleaned
B. When people recycle
C. When the environment is healthy
D. When the environment is contaminated or dirty
23. Exhaust from a car is what type of pollution
A. Car
B. Water
C. Air
D. Water
24. Recycling is
A. To never use something
B. To use something again
C. To use it wisely
D. To use it rarely

25. The environment is

A. The conditions that surround someone or something
B. The person around you most
C. The clothing you wear everyday
D. The air you breathe
26. Where does our garbage go?
A. It disappears
B. It is burned
C. It is put in a large house
D. It is put in a landfill
27. How can you help the environment?


Uses lots of water
Always keep the TV on

28. Reduce means to

A. Use more of something
B. Use less of something
C. Never use something
D. Always use something
29. You can recycle plastic grocery bags by
A. Throwing them in the garbage
B. Letting your food in them
C. Using as many as you can
D. Reusing them as bags
30. Air pollution is caused by
A. Exhaust
B. Wind
C. Rain
D. Fog

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