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I am thirteen years old and I learn in the

seventh class. I live in Lithuania, Kaunas,
Garliava. There are to schools in one buildinggymnasium and progymnasium. In our school
most of students are very friendly and nice. I
like to play in our school orchestra and in my
free time I like to play table tennis or
basketball. I belong to the progymnasium
students senate.
In my house and I dont have my room so we
live and sleep with parents in one room. I like
to listen to jazz and blues, other types of music I dont like. I have two fishes in the fish
I have one sister Gabija who is twenty- eight years old and lives in Vilnius. She lives
about one hundred kilometers away from me but she comes to me and my family once a
month. My mum Asta works in the hospital. She is very good mum who helps me all
time when I need it. My father Gintaras builds bridges. Now he works in Taurag, so I
dont see him all week. My grandmother Regina lives with us. She is very nice and good
grandmother. My other grandmother lives farther from us. I see her once a month. I
dont have grandfathers and I didnt see them. I have a lot of friends but there is only
some really friends who help me all the time. Its my classmates and some other friends.

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