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The 3G Network


Compiled by Ms. Remya & the team. (2nd Edition)

It was an eventful month. We had our first common assessments from 21st30th October. Two weeks we all were busy preparing for the tests and now
we are eagerly waiting for the results.


Science Assembly:

We had an amazing science assembly on 26th October in which from our

class Anjum and Hussein got a chance to participate. It was above all our
thoughts of an assembly. Few children who participated, were all dressed
up like some famous scientists and they role played them by showing their
inventions. At the end they asked us, the audience, few questions which
we answered them all. We never knew an assembly can be this much
interactive and fun. Looking forward for more assemblies of this kind.

World Teachers Day:

Though World Teachers Day is on October 5th, we

celebrated it in our school on October 2nd. All the
student teachers did a great job. To take the role of a
teacher was a wonderful experience. We had Year5
student teachers teaching various subjects to us. We went
to FS2 to teach those tiny tots English teachers by
reading few stories to them and Math teachers teaching
them shape poems.
Math Day:

English Teacher- Anjum, Sama, Suhaib, Lamiah

The math free day was on 23rd October. It was a book

free day. We did many activities in the class on
measurement. We measured the length of different things
in the classroom from our pencils to the display boards.

Math Daniel , Shaikh


Mock Fire Drill: It is a practice given to us as to how to react
in time of real fire. It was a very helpful and successful drill.

Quote for the Month:

Dont wait for the PERFECT MOMENT, take the MOMENT
and makes it PERFECT

YEAR 3 Attendance October 2014

Topics for the Month

Literacy: Something Happened In My Street
Laraib says, It is fantastic to learn English. I really enjoy my English class. I like to
read and write. I learned the different types of nouns, how to frame and
punctuate sentences, label diagram, and spider grams. Among all of them the
most interesting thing was to create a report on birds. Now we started with the
new lesson.

Science Project

Numeracy: 2D Shapes and measurement

We already knew different 2Dshapes. Now we can draw and describe regular and
irregular shapes. With all the activities done in the class, measuring and
comparing length in meters and centimeters was fun. Now we started with yet
another simple but interesting topic- data handling.

Science: Helping plants grow

Science Assembly
We learned about different types of plants and the functions of each part of a
plant. The facts about the worlds largest tree-General Sherman was the most
interesting part of the lesson. Waiting to know more about plants.

Geography: The Changing Scene

After learning the impact of rotation and revolution on earth, we understood the
impact of 4seasons in the lifestyle of people living in different parts of the world.

History: Ancient Greece:

We never knew what Archaeology is and that

the job of an archaeologist is this much interesting. Expecting few archaeologists

from our class in future.

Fire Drill

Best Pictures of the month

Nourhan reciting surah for the assembly

& Daniel

Hussein in Islamic Assembly

Solve Me What
number always
cross the capital
letter L?

Lamiah & Suhaib as student teachers.

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