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Urinary Diseases

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia- non cancerous. Large and excessive growth of cells that blocks urethra
and makes urination difficult
Renal Calculi (Kidney stones) - Stone-like formation in bladder and kidneys. Makes it difficult/painful to
urinate and may cause bleeding
Pyelonephritis- inflammation of the substance of the kidney as a result of bacterial infection
Cystitis- infection of the bladder, can be caused by sitting in a bathtub too long, not using the restroom
enough or emptying the bladder completely, not cleaning properly after using the restroom
Prostatitis- inflammation of the prostate
Renal Failure (kidney failure or renal insufficiency)- is a medical condition in which the kidneys fail to
filter waste products from the blood. The two main forms are acute kidney injury, which is often
reversible with adequate treatment, and chronic kidney disease, which is often not reversible.

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