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Neighborliness is now fading Neighbors who live near our house.

Neighborliness is an
important element in the life of community. Beside may foster understanding among residents,
this spirit may unite people of all races in our country. In the past, relations between neighbors
are very close. At that time the concept of neighborhood is emphasized in the society so that they
are able to aid and understand our neighbors regardless of race and religion in order to maintain
harmony in the society.
Various causes of fading neighborliness, including changes in people's lifestyles are too
busy right now to earn a living to support their families. The cost of living is high and the stress
of the modern world often forces the townspeople to work all day. As a result, they fatigue and
lack of time to greet fellow neighbors. Patterns of work done by the people then and now are
very different. Historical communities, their work based on agriculture, which requires teamwork
among them. While the community is now self-employed who do not emphasize the
collaborative practice. Therefore, the change of life is now clear the cause of the discoloration
present neighborliness.
The rapid development trend in our country will also be a source of neighborhood spirit
subdued at present. Nowadays, with rapid development of the country once. This resulted
neighborliness fading because people will spend their free time by visiting places such as
shopping malls, playgrounds and entertainment centers mushrooming. This situation needs to be
urgently addressed for the benefit of all parties. We do not want to see that there are selfish
people in the community in the long run.
Neighborliness can be fostered if society recognizes the importance of the spirit of life. it
is time for us to look back and appreciate the concept of the neighborhood that is increasingly
forgotten in society, especially in the city. Passion to pursue materialistic world will profoundly
affect our social institutions. Neighborliness is also important in the context of our country as a
multiracial society. Strong neighborhood spirit thus can help efforts for national unity
government is a priority to ensure harmony. Quality community was also born through
understanding and closer relationship that starts from a close-knit relationships and mutual
understanding between each other.

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