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Introduction to Shapes: Going on a Bear Hunt

Grade: 1st

Lesson Plan Contextual Information

Lesson #: 2 of 6
Time required: 30 minutes
Grade: 1st
Psychomotor Objectives for this lesson:
Learn level:
PM1. TSW experiment with different shapes in response to instructor prompts
Use level:
PM2. TSW work with a partner to create shapes in response to instructor prompts
PM3. TSW perform the appropriate fitness element in response to the instructors prompts
during the fitness activity animals that jump and hop (CS#4)
1. Kangaroo jumps
2. Rabbit hops
3. Frog jumps
4. Flamingo hops
5. Lizard hops
Do level:
PM4. TSW demonstrate the following shapes during an applied activity called going on a bear
hunt (CS#1)
1. Straight
2. Curved
3. Crooked
M.MC. 01.11
Cognitive Objectives for this lesson:
C1. When prompted by the instructor during the lesson, TSW respond correctly by forming the
corresponding shapes
C2. When prompted by the instructor during the small group activity TSW create a shape that
illustrates the shape prompted by the instructor
C3. When asked during the lesson closure, TSW provide an example of a shape he/she used
during the applied activity going on a bear hunt (CS#2)
Affective Objectives for this lesson:
A1. TSW collaborate with classmates to create different shapes in response to instructor prompts
A2. TSW respect classmates by including them in group discussions during small group practice
as they explore new shapes
A3. TSW respond appropriately to any of the following management signals during instruction
and practice:
1. Freeze, hands on knees, eyes on me.
2. When I say go
3. Bottoms down

Pre-requisite skills or knowledge needed for success in this lesson:
1. Basic knowledge of the alphabet
2. Ability to move around in a designated space
3. Basic knowledge of points and corners
4. Ability to following prompts from an automated voice (going on a bear hunt song)
Adaptations and/or extensions for this lesson:
Possible adaptations for this lesson to work with student limitations:
1. Allow student to use equipment such as a jump rope to create shapes instead of their body
2. Provide flash cards for the student to keep next to him/her of the different shapes while
they participate in the activity
Possible enhancements/extensions for this lesson to meet student needs for a greater challenge:
1. Have student create two different shapes at the same time
2. Have the student keep a tally for all shapes used during the applied activity going on a
bear hunt (have a goal for a predetermined number of times for each shape)
Management issues for this lesson:
1. Freeze, hands on knees, eyes on me to gain students attention for
2. When I say go to ensure that students are listening to all instructions/directions
before moving and/or moving on to the next activity
3. Bottoms down to let students know that it is okay to sit down and listen to
Safety issues for this lesson:
1. Students bumping into one another during warm up and/or fitness activities remind
students to keep heads up while running to avoid hitting classmates
2. Students overextend muscles during group guided and/or small group activities tell
students that if it hurts to move in a certain way that it is okay to stop, and to find
different way of moving
3. Students getting to clumped during applied activity and accidently hitting classmates
remind students of personal space and use the arms out method of checking if you have
enough personal space before the start of the activity. Remind students of this throughout
the activity as needed, stopping the activity to re-spread out if clumping becomes too
much of an issue
Equipment and/or supplies needed for this lesson:
1. Animals that hop and jump posters
2. Shapes posters
3. Boom box or other music player

4. C.D or track of going on a bear hunt song

5. Lyrics for going on a bear hunt (if needed)
6. 6 8 cones for marking boundaries
Facility set up:
See attached sheet
Notes to self:
1. Remind students of personal space
2. Make sure to demonstrate several variations of the same shape
3. Make sure to use Shapes posters during whole group and small group activities
4. Make sure to make movements big during applied activity so that all students can see and
follow along
5. Remember to link shapes to daily tasks during the anticipatory set
(2008). Grade level content expectations: First grade. Michigan Department of Education.
Retrieved from:
(2012,November 29).Were going on a bear hunt. (n.d). King County Library System. Retrieved
iwasborninlondon. (2010). Going on a bear hunt [video file]. Video posted to
Rowe, P. (2012 October) Teaching methods for elementary education. PED 306 01. Grand
Valley State University, Allendale, MI.

General Lesson Plan with Timeline

Timeline Instructional and managerial dialogue, directions, explanations, and diagrams:
Opening activities:
30 sec
Welcome the students to the class, take roll, and introduce the topic for day.
Today we are going to learn different shapes
30 sec
Transition plan:
Management signals: When I say go I need everyone to find their own space inside of the
cones. CFU. Go
Formation: students are in their own space inside the cone boundary
CFU: point to where are we going when I say go? (inside the cones)
Equipment management: cones are in place to mark boundaries for this activity
2-3 min
Warm up activity:
Students are playing a tag game known as toilet tag. All students are it and run around the
space attempting to tag other classmates while not being tagged themselves. Once a student
has be tagged, he/she squats down and holds out his/her hand (like the handle on the toilet)
another students will flush the handle making a flushing sound and then both students will

30 sec

2-3 min

return to the game. The instructor will stop the game periodically to give students a short
break. Ask how many toilets they made, then tell the students to try to make more toilets in
the next round.
Transition plan :
Management signals: freeze, hands on knees eyes on me. When I say go find a new spot
within the cones. Go
Formation: students are in their own spot within the cone boundary
Equipment management: none for this activity
Fitness activity:
Students will move around the space as various jumping or hopping animals in order to work
on lower body strength. The instructor will demonstrate each movement as it is introduce,
and then call out the different animals while students move around the space like that
animal. The instructor may also ask for students impute about other sea animals and how
they move.
Kangaroo jumps: the student jumps using both feet as far as they can on each jump
Frog jumps: the student squats down and then pushes off and jumps up and out, then lands
in the beginning squat position
Rabbit hops: (students are actually jumping) rabbits are quick, so the student jumps around
the space as fast as they can keeping their jumps close together
Flamingo hops: on one foot the student hops around the space
Lizard hops: the student hops from one foot to the other as he/she moves around the space
(hop right foot, switch, hop left foot)

30 sec

Transition plan:
Management signals: freeze, hands on knees, eyes on me. When I say go, I need
everyone to jog over to the learning corner. CFU. Go Bottoms down
Formation: students are sitting on their bottoms in the listening corner
CFU: point to the listening corner
Equipment management: Shapes posters are in the listening corner
Lesson Focus:
1 2 min
Anticipatory set:
Straight: shape that goes in one direction without points or corners, like a (lower case) L
Curved: shape that is rounded, but without points or corners, like a C or an S
Crooked: shape that has points or corners like a Z or an N
Why: Our bodies use different shapes for different tasks.
How does this relate: we use shapes in our everyday lives. When we want to get something
down from the top shelf we make ourselves as straight as we can so we can reach. When we
drop something we have to curve our body so that we can pick it up off the ground. What are
some other ways that we shape our bodies throughout our day?
30 sec
Transition plan:
Management signal: When I say go, everyone needs to stand up and find their own space
on this side of the gym. CFU. Go
Formation: students are in their own space in the designated area
CFU: point to the side of the gym where we are going to stay.

45 sec

30 sec

1 2 min

30 sec

3 min

Equipment management: none for this activity

Have the students perform a locomotor movement around the space for several seconds, then
yell freeze! Have the students practice checking their personal space by holding out their
arms and moving in a slow circle. Do this once or twice more using different locomotor
Transition plan:
Management signals: Freeze, hands on knees, eyes on me. When I say go I need
everyone to find a new spot on this side of the gym. Go
Formation: students are in their own space in the designate area
Equipment management: instructor is holding the Shapes posters
Instruction/demonstration of skills:
The instructor will go through each shape with the class, holding up the corresponding
poster as each shape is explained. The instructor will also demonstrate variations of each
shape being taught before allowing students to explore the shapes on their own.
Straight: shape that goes in one direction without points or corners, like a (lower case) L
Curved: shape that is rounded, but without points or corners, like a C or an S
Crooked: shape that has points or corners like a Z or an N
Transition plan:
Management signals: When I say go, I want everyone to make a curved shape with their
body. CFU. Go
Formation: students are in their own space within the designated area
CFU: What shape are we making with our bodies? (curved)
Equipment management: instructor is holding Shapes posters while
Guided practice:
As a whole, the class will explore the shapes, curved, crooked and straight. Students will
manipulate their bodies into the different shapes as prompted by the instructor. The goal of
this activity is to help student get a feel for the difference between all three shapes by
manipulating their bodies to create the shape designated by the instructor.
Show me a straight shape
Point your straight shape in a new direction
Make a straight shape using only your arms
Show me a curved shape
Show me a different curved shape
Make a curved shape using only your legs
Make a curved shape using only your arms
Show me a crooked shape
How many bends (changes in direction) can you put in your crooked shape?
Show me a crooked shape using just your arms
Show me a crooked shape using only your legs
Show me your favorite shape (curved, crooked, straight)

30 sec

Transition plan:
Management signals: Freeze, hands on knees, eyes on me. When I say go, find a buddy

3 min

and stand back to back. CFU. Go

Formation: students are standing back to back with a partner in the designated area
CFU: are you going to stand side by side? (no, back to back)
Equipment Management: instructor is holding Shapes posters
Individual/partner practice:
With their partners, students will practice making curved, crooked and straight shapes as
prompted by the instructor. The goal is to have students recognize the different between the
shapes, specifically curved and crooked.
Show me a curved shape over your partner
Make a curved shape around your partner
make a straight shape next to your partner
With your partner create a crooked shape
One partner make a crooked shape
One partner make a curved shape
Connect your two shapes
Make one long straight shape with your partner
Show me a crooked shape over your partner
Make a crooked shape with your partner
How many points can you put make in your crooked shape?

30 sec

6 8 min

Transition plan:
Management signals: Freeze, hands on knees eyes on me. When I say go, stand up and
find your own space on this side of the gym. Go
Formation: Students are in their own space within the designated area
Equipment management: Instructor has a boom box or other music player with speakers
cued up with the song, going on a bear hunt and lyrics sheet.
Applied activity:
The instructor will explain to the class that they are going to go on a bear hunt The instructor
will explain that for part of the song, the class will say the words along with the song and
perform the actions that go along with the words. The instructor will play the first verse and
perform the actions along with the song while saying the words out loud. Next the class will
perform the first verse with the instructor without the song, just saying the words out loud
and performing the corresponding actions. The instructor will go through the first verse two
or three times as needed, and once along with the song before demonstrating the second
verse being spoken/ performed. The instructor will go through the second verse two or three
times as needed, and once along with the song before beginning the activity. After the class
has practiced the verses and actions, the instructor will explain that there are going to be
several different ways that they are going to go on their bear hunt, and that they will hear
what they need to do in the song. Remind the class to think about what shapes their bodies
are making while they perform the different tasks (scenarios).
1st verse said together:
Were going on a bear hunt. Were going to catch a big one. What a beautiful day. Were
not scared.
1. Were going on a bear hunt marching in place

2. Were going to catch a big one. still marching, open arms out wide to the sides
3. What a beautiful day. still marching, raise arms over head to make a big circle;
the sun
4. Were not scared. Still marching, say this line really loud and shake head
2nd verse said together:
Oh no, a
. Cant go over it. Cant go under it. Oh no, weve got to go through it.
1. Oh no, a (blank). bend arms at the elbow, bring hands up to shoulders and then
down parallel to the floor. Do this two times.
2. Cant go over it. arch arms up and away from the body at shoulder height with
palms facing the floor.
3. Cant go under it. make a U-shape with arms away from the body at waist height
with the palms facing towards the ceiling
4. Oh no, weve got to go through it. make a fist with the right hand. Bend the
elbow and raise fist to chest height before punching straight out from the body.
As the song plays students will act out the scenarios using the shapes that they have just
been practicing. Instructor should stress that while students are performing the movements
they should think about what shapes they are making with their bodies.
1. Going through grass: Swishy swashy, swishy swashy.
2. Going across a river: Splish splosh, splish splosh.
3. Going through mud: Squelch squelch, squelch squelch.
4. Going thought a forest: stumble trip, stumble trip.
5. Going through a blizzard: hooo wooo, hooo wooo
6. Going through a cave: tip-toe, tip-toe
Song link:
Lyrics: see attached sheet
30 sec
Transition plan:
Management signals: freeze, hands on knees, eyes on m. When I say go I need everyone
to stand up and gallop over to the learning corner. CFU. Go Bottoms down
Formation: students are sitting in the learning corner
CFU: where are we galloping to? (learning corner)
Equipment management: Shapes posters need to be picked up by instructor en route to the
learning corner
Closing Activities:
2 -3 min
Lesson closure:
Review: who can name one shape that we learned today. Who can demonstrate this shape
for the class? (if no one volunteers instructor can demonstrate). Who can tell me when you
used this shape during our bear hunt?
Remind: remember that a curved shape has no points or corners, but a crooked shape does. I
noticed that quite a few of us got those two a little mixed up today.
Reinforce: I noticed (student name) did a wonderful job today of keeping inside he/her own

30 sec

30 sec

personal space so (student name) is going to be our line leader today.

Reward: You all did such a good job today of working nicely with your partners to create
your shapes I saw everyone talking nicely and allowing their partner to talk, so on Friday
you can have 3 extra minutes of free activity time.
Transition plan:
Management signals: When I say go, I need everyone to stand up on the black base behind
(student name). CFU. Go
Formation: students are standing in a single file line on the baseline behind the student
CFU: Who are we lining up behind? (student name)
Equipment management: none for this activity
Exit/dismissal procedure:
(Student name) will lead the class in a straight line (locomotor movement of choice) to the
door to wait to be picked up by the classroom instructor.

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