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Dabin Han

Parshuram Budhathoki
MATH 1210
10 of Nov 2014

Salt Lake CC
Math 1210
Pipeline Project
Fall 2014

The U.S. Interior Secretary recently approved drilling of natural gas wells near Vernal, Utah. Your
company has begun drilling and established a high-producing well on BLM ground. They now need to
build a pipeline to get the natural gas to their refinery.

While running the line directly to the refinery will be the least amount of pipe and shortest distance, it
would require running the line across private ground and paying a right-of-way fee. There is a
mountain directly east of the well that must be drilled through in order to run the pipeline due east.
Your company can build the pipeline around the private ground by going 5 mile directly west and then
15 miles south and finally 45 miles east to the refinery (see figure below). Cost for materials, labor and
fees to run the pipeline across BLM ground is $500,000 per mile.
Cost of drilling through the existing mountain would be a one-time cost of $3,000,000 on top of the
normal costs ($500,000 per mile) of the pipeline itself. Also the BLM will require an environmental
impact study before allowing you to drill through the mountain. Cost for the study is estimated to be
$420,000 and will delay the project by 6 months costing the company another $120,000 per month.
For any pipeline run across private ground, your company incurs an additional $350,000 per mile cost
for right-of-way fees.
Your company has asked you to do the following:
a) Determine the cost of running the pipeline strictly on BLM ground with two different cases:
i) One running west, south and then east to the refinery.
5+15+45=65miles, C(x)=65(500,000)=$32,500,000

ii) One heading east through the mountain and then south to the refinery.
40+15=55miles, C(x)= 65(500,000)+3,000,000+420,000+6(120,000)=$36,640,000
b) Determine the cost of running the pipeline:
i) The shortest distance across the private ground to the refinery.
15+40=c, c=1825 c=573, 573(350,000+500,000)=$36,312,015.92
ii) Straight across the private ground, then straight to the refinery.
c) Determine the optimal way to run the pipeline to minimize cost. Determine the length of pipe that
runs across private land and how far from the refinery it starts running on BLM land. Clearly show all
work including drawing the pipeline on the figure below. Make it very clear how you use your
knowledge of calculus to determine the optimal placement of the pipeline.
Y= (40-x)+225
Cost y= 850,000{(40-x)+225} + 500,000x (0x40)
Cost(x)=850,000{(40-x)+225}^ + 500,000x
C(x)= 425,000{(40-x)+225}^- * (-2(40-x)) + 500,000
=425,000(-2(40-x))/{(40-x)+225} + 500,000=0
Let (40-x)=t
x=29.09(local minimum)
Cost(29.09) = 850,000 {(40-29.09)+225} + 500,000(29.09) = $30,310,795.33

tan = 10.91/15, =36.03
=|cos(10.91/15.21) - 180| = 135.83
d) Include a sketch of the graph of the cost function, C(x), for this pipeline for any configuration
involving crossing some private ground as well as some BLM ground. Make sure to scale your axes
appropriately and to label the minimum point.

Write up a report of your finding to submit to your companys CEO. This report should include all
steps for any math used to make determinations asked for above as well as statements as to the costs
to be incurred by each scenario. Include any appropriate figures to make each scenario clear. Label
the scenarios as they are labeled above.
The optimal route would go at angle of 36.03 degrees for 18.55miles across the private
ground to the refinery for a minimum cost of $ $30,310,795.33. As the researcher, I
recommend this route for the lowest cost.
Also, in your report, include a reflection of the things you have learned in your calculus class and how
they may apply to the real world. Can you make the argument that calculus is a useful tool? What
kinds of things have you learned that can be useful in your areas of interest? Please be specific and
give some examples to back up your statements. Your reflection needs to be typed-not hand written
and included with the report.
I have learned many things in my calculus class. One of my favorite parts in the class is to find
maximum and minimum values by differentiation. And then, we can draw graphs. It is very
interesting. Drawing simple equation graph or quadratic equation graph is easy. But, I think it
is hard to draw from cubic equation. Therefore, we differentiate the function. And then, we
can find local maximum and minimum and can see how it is increased or decreased through
second derivative. If I didnt learn how to differentiate in this class, I couldnt know how to
see any graphs and draw the shape of graph. In addition, I found a derivative to solve the
problem of this pipeline project. In conclusion, I believe the calculus is a useful tool in our life.

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