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Financial Budget for your Next Step...

Living at home and

attending post-secondary schooling for your first year of
Post-Secondary life.
Summer Part-time work (approximate earnings per month)
# of months =

_______ x

Summer Full-time work (approximate earnings per month)

x 2 months = 352




$60 a night x 20 nights =
Part-time work while attending post secondary
= 800 x 10.25

80hrs x 10months


$45 a night x 160 (4nights a week x 40 (4 weeks in each month x 10))
Savings already accumulated


Total income from part time and full time work plus accumulated
savings (for a year)

$ 21,208.00

Living at home costs. Will you be required to pay? Yes/No
Room and board (per month)


Cell phone costs (per month)


Car payments (per month)

$ 75

Gas for your vehicle or bus pass (per month)


Car insurance (per month)


Entertainment costs (per month)


Incidentals (per month)


Tuition costs (take tuition and divide by 10 to get per month)



Fees, etc. (divide by 10) 721.06/10=


Education costs re: computer/printer/paper etc. (per month)


Total expenses (1month)

x 10 =

$ 1,503.35
$ 15,033.50

Summer expenses


Total expenses for the year =

Cost calculation
Total income (work and savings) minus total expenses= $21,208.00 $16,983.50 =

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