Depthoffield 2014

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Depth of Field / Aperture

Digital Photography

Elliot Erwitt, New York, 1946

Assignment: (Part One)

You will create photos to explore Depth of Field in class by changing the aperture on the DSLR.
Aperture Priority Mode- select your f-stop/ depth of field.
A small aperture (f/22) will create a large depth of field(everything in focus), while a large aperture
(f/2) will create a small/narrow depth of field (only a small amount in focus).
Create- 1 shot with everything in the frame in focus (large depth of field)
1 shot with only the subject in focus (narrow/shallow depth of field)
1 shot with your subject(or an object/person) out of focus, and something else (object/person)
in focus (shallow depth of field) (Keep track of your f-stops!)
1 shot with a medium depth of field (around f/5.6 or f/8 or f/11 depending on your other f-stops!)
Assignment: (Part Two)
Outside class, experiment with large and shallow depth of field.
If your camera does not have this option you can use the scene settings on your camera.
To create a large depth of field- everything in focus, put the camera on the landscape setting. To create a narrow
depth of field with only your subject in focus, use the portrait mode, or the macro setting (flower icon).
Create- 1 shot with a shallow depth of field
1 shot with a large depth of field.

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