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Hassan Shahid

Media Studies

Cast Notes The Carpenter

Name: Aron Maher

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Why did Aron get the part?
Aron was chosen for the part of The Carpenter because he
offered to act for us, as he is a very good friend of every
member of BrownWonder Productions which makes it easier for us
to work together as weve known each other for a long time. He
was also very good at listening to instructions when
auditioning for the part and patient as we had to film the
same scene with different camera shots, telling us that he was
a good choice to play The Carpenter.
In addition, Aron is fully aware that he will be asked to wear
a mask that will complete the full look of the character that
he will be playing. Furthermore, he is in agreement and
understands that if the director requires for a scene to be
re-shot, then he will be willing to do so. As a company we
have complete trust in him and we are looking forward to
working together.

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